chapter three ♡

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"Wow Irene, the view looks beautiful out here." I said as I stepped out from inside her house.
"Thank you, my parents moved us closer to the beach a few months ago, so it's been sweet." She replied.

Irene and I were spreading out blankets for sitting, making some snacks, and putting little lanterns around the backyard for the bonfire. It was only ten minutes before it was actually time for bonfire. Later, we heard the others came outside to see us making the finishing touches.

"This is amazing!!" Joy exclaimed.
"Yeah, Irene this is beautiful!! Did you guys actually set all of this up?" Yeri asked.
"Yeah we did, and I think it turned out great!" I said.

We all gathered around the bonfire and sat together. We made jokes about the school year, looked back on memories, and made plans for our future. Then, it all fell silent as we watched the moon appear from the clouds and took in all its beauty.

"Guys." Irene said.
"What is it?" The rest of us replied.
"I don't ever want to leave you all's side. We've all been with each other for as long as I can remember. We helped each other through our hardest times and..." She stopped as she was beginning to tear up while speaking.
"I just don't want to loose you guys." She choked out.
"Oh no, Irene that's never going to happen. We're always going to be together." Wendy said while giving Irene a hug.

We all got into a group hug, comforting her. That's how good we all were to each other. We always stuck together.

My mom came to pick me up and I told everyone goodnight as I went away. When we finally reached home and went inside, I went up to my room to change and go to bed, because I was so freaking tired.

My phone began to vibrate on my desk and I reached to grab it. I groaned thinking "Who in the world is up at two in the morning??" I turned it on to see that Seokmin called me. I called him back just to see what was wrong.

"Hey Ana." He said as he answered.
"Hey, why did you call me. Is something wrong?" I asked.
"Oh no, um, I was wondering how the bonfire was." He said.
"It was good, we got some laughs in, and a few tears, but overall, it was fun. How was the pre-graduation party?" I said.
"Well, I didn't go."
I fake gasped into the phone, earning a laugh from him.
"You are such a rebel." I said with a astonished tone.
"Yeah, I know I am." He said sounding all proud.
"Okay, well baby I have to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I said.
"Okay, goodnight babe, I love you." He said.
I giggled and said back, "I love you too." Then hung up.

"Just one more full day of school, graduation, and then my new life at college. I'm ready for this." I whispered then drifted off to sleep.

hello there! sorry for the super long chapter, but i hope you're enjoying the story so far and i hope you continue with it! i'll continue to make updates as soon as i can, pls bare with me! anyways, thank you again for taking your time and reading this story.
                                        - baten

dreams made real [red velvet]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon