"I completely forgot that I'm covering someone's shift today at the book store and I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago and I really need to-" I ramble, my cheeks flushing as Ashton stands up and walks over towards me, pressing a finger against my lips to shush me.

"Elsie, take a breath," He reminds me with a chuckle, watching me closely until I do as he says; sucking in a deep breath before letting the shaky exhale slip past my lips. "The book store on 12th?" He asks, my head nodding in response as I bite down on my lip.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Ashton asks sweetly, the gesture so simple yet so genuine and gentleman-like that it brings a smile to my lips even as I decline with a small shake of my head. "I don't want to cause you anymore hassle." I add on as explanation.

"You're not a hassle Elsie," He mumbles, brushing a hand gently across my forehead- a shiver rippling through my body at the motion.

"I'd better go..." I trail off, not wanting to leave but knowing that I have to.

"I'll call you later and we can figure out the details of that date you promised me." Ashton iterates, pulling my body against his for the briefest of hugs that leaves my heart racing at a dangerous rate before releasing me, shoving me gently towards the door.

"Bye," I whisper, his cheeks dimpling as he sends me a farewell grin and small wave. I slip out the front door, shoving my hands into my pockets to keep them warm as I rush towards my car.

I frown as my hand hits a bundle in my pocket, my fingers wrapping around the object and pulling it out to find the folded bills clutched between my fingers. I glance back towards the house to find Ashton sending me a triumphant smile through the window, his sneakiness at slipping the bills into the pocket during our hug going against the promise he had made me earlier when I had refused his payment.

I stick my tongue out at him childishly as he laughs, turning my back once more as I reach my car. I slip into the cold automobile, breath condensing in the air as I turn the car on and click my seatbelt into place.

I reach the book store in no time, pulling into an open parking spot before rushing in through the back door. I grab an extra shirt with the store's logo on it from my cubby in the back, shoving it over the tank top that I had worn under my sweater. I clock in before rushing to the front of the store, sending an apologetic smile to my boss who sends me a glare but brushes off my tardiness because of how unusual the occurrence was.

My 4 hour shift flies by, the cozy atmosphere of the small book shop surrounding me in its warm embrace. I pass the time by organizing the new shipments onto the book shelves, brewing more coffee for the small café tucked into a nook in the corner of the store, and recommending some of my favorites to customers.

The end of my shift approaches as the bell on the door rings, my lips parting to utter the customary greeting but the words are cut off when I realize who my customers are.

"Elsie!" Maisie shrieks as she runs across the store and crashes into me with a giggle, her golden curls escaping her ponytail and framing her cheeks as she peeks up at me from between my legs. I kneel down and pull the toddler into my arms, her small arms wrapping around my neck to pull herself closer to me.

"Hey lovey! How was your morning?" I ask as a broad smile stretches across my lips at the joy this tiny little bundle of energy brings me.

"Good," She chirps, her hands unraveling from around my neck and instead fiddling with the necklace taking home on my collarbones as she looks at me. "Daddy miss you so we come see you." She reveals, her voice dropping into a whisper before she turns to glance at Ashton, giggling at him.

"And how about you? Did you miss me princess?" I question, my fingers tickling the skin of her stomach lightly while I speak. She shrieks with laughter as she nods quickly, the smile on her lips mirroring my own as I pull her onto my hip and stand up.

I plop her onto the counter next to the cash register, her mossy eyes alight with excitement as she looks around the store in amazement from the new angle. Ashton chooses that moment to approach us, standing on the other side of the counter while his hands hold onto Maisie's small hips.

"Hi," He murmurs, hazel gaze quick to lock onto me. "Hey," I say softly in response, the smile on my lips growing at the adoring tone in his voice.

"Just couldn't wait to see me, could ya?" I tease, his face falling into a sheepish smile, cheeks tinting pink as he lets out a chuckle.

"I just can't seem to catch a break around here, can I?" Ashton questions without any hint of anger, instead looking on his daughter with such affection anyone could see how much he absolutely adores Maisie.

"Nope." I reply with a small smirk, his eyes narrowing playfully before he sticks his tongue out at me, his daughter taking notice and quickly sticking her tongue out at him. "Now, did you come here just to see my lovely face or where you interested in getting some books?"

Ashton laughs before replying with a quick affirmation of both. I pull Maisie off the counter and put her down securely on her feet before she runs over towards the picture book section.

"Don't make a mess, Mais," Ashton yells as an afterthought, her small squeal of joy when she sees the books causing him to send me an apologetic look.

"Don't worry, my shifts almost over and it won't be my job to clean it up." I reassure him, his head nodding gratefully in response.

"So about that date..." Ashton starts, looking down at the counter nervously before flitting his gaze back to me. "Just give me a time and a date and I'll leave the rest up to you." I say, his face reading relief as he nods.

"Does Friday at 6 work?" He asks, running a hand through his curls as I nod with a smile. "Sounds perfect to me." I responds, his face lighting up as he brushes a quick kiss across my cheek, pulling away after a moment with a blush.

"Sorry," He mumbles, looking down at his hands and rocking on his heels like a little kid before my laugh pulls his attention.

"No need to be sorry, Ashton. It was sweet," I assure him, his features shifting back into the dimply smile that I'm coming to adore.

"Well, I guess I'll see you then," He says softly. "I can't wait," I reply, the statement infinitely more truthful than he knows.
So it's Friday so I figured I'd get an update up for you guys! I hope you all have a good weekend! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share please.
Love you all!
- Eryn xx

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