Chapter 4

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Luke's POV

I was ready to leave the diner with Arianna because I had something to show her and just couldn't wait any longer. I felt kinda bad after getting in the car realizing that she left her sandwich. But there was no turning back now. I was taking her to where I used to go to calm down when I got really worked up over something. I would just swim in the lake for hours until it got dark and I had to go back home. 

We pull up to the lake and I immediately head for the water taking off my shirt as I run. Arianna shortly starts to follow but she seems hesitant to get into the water. She watched as I dove into the lake and swam around. She starts to come a little closer after a while and just sits down and leans against a tree.

" Why won't you get in" I yell to her but she just shakes her head. I get out of the water and walk over to her and pick her up by her legs. 

" Get off of me your all wet! You're getting my clothes wet! Put me down!" She yells while I take her over to the edge of the lake. " Don't you dare throw me in. No Luke please." I finally put her down and she exhales with relief.

" Swim with me please?" I begged one last time and she agreed silently

She started to take off her shirt and her jeans leaving her only in her tank top and her underwear. I bit my tongue to keep quiet and turned to jump in the water. She slowly followed and jumped in and quickly floated back up as a reaction to the cold water. I watched as she swam around a little to get warm. I swam to her and wrapped her in my arms. She stayed for a quick second but broke away because she became uncomfortable. 

" I'm sorry I didn't mean... Its just.. you were cold...and um" I struggled for words trying to explain myself but she stopped me and got out the water. She took her already wet clothes and put them back on and I just watched her. I wasn't going to stop her.

I get out the water and she hands my shirt and starts working toward the car. There was nothing I could do about it. I threw my shirt over my head and trailed behind her. We get in and I start the car and she turns on the radio. We ride in silence until we got to her house. 

We finally get to her house after what seemed like hours of riding. She turned toward me and waved good bye and with that she left. I get out of the car to follow to the door. She is fidgeting with the keys to get in. I reach in to help her and slightly pulls away. I wait for her to open the door. I cant stand for her to leave on such terms so I grab her hand. She hesitates but doesn't pull away. 

" Look i'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. We were just having fun right. "  I barely get the words out.

" I know that, there is no reason to be sorry. I'll see you tomorrow okay? " she replies

" Okay tomorrow then "

A/N : Short Chapter and in a long time but I tried to write from Luke's POV so tell me what you think. Im gonna try write more but no promises

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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