Chapter 3

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(Victoria's POV) 

"I've never met my father, and I guess now I never will." I say looking down at my lap.

"Actually you did. You've already seen him a couple of times today."

Wait. Is he saying what I think he is saying.

"Wait. Are you-"

"Yeah. I'm your dad." He says shyly. I get up and give him a hug, and he hugs back.

"My dad's Captain America!" I let out a girly squeal and we both laugh as we pull away from the hug. "So does this mean that I get to stay with you? I mean no offense to this place, but I hate being around big crowds. And here, that's all there is."

"Yeah, Fury said that since there are already two of the Avengers' kids running around here most of the time, that you'll be staying with me at Avengers Tower. Along with some other super hero's and their kids. It'll be fun." He informs me.

**At Avengers Tower**

Cap- Dad and I were walking through the doors of Avengers Tower. The most beautiful building I've seen, even though I haven't seen much. We got up stairs and I was surprised. Literally. 

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. I'm guessing that they're the Avengers and their kids. It feels nice to have people be nice to you.

"Did you do this?" I asked my dad.

"No, we all did." He replied. Then we walked more into the room and I was introduced to everyone.

"Hey I'm Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and this is my daughter Zoe." Tony says.

"Hi." I say as I shake both of their hands.

"I'm Clint, aka Hawkeye, and you've met Natasha, aka Black Widow, and this is our daughter Ariel and our son Chase."

"Hi." I say and shake their hands, other than Natasha's. I continue down the line and meet Bruce Banner/ The Hulk, and his daughter Ava. 

"Thor has a daughter Athena, but they're on Asgard." Zoe says.


"Long story. Thor will explain it to you when he and Athena get back." Clint says.

"But for now. Girl time!! You up for it?" Ariel asks.

"Sure, can I dad?" I ask.

"I don't know you just got here." He responds unsure.

"Come on please Steve. Let the girl live. She just woke up from being frozen for like ever, and we are going to be the ones to introduce her to our current culture, the correct way." Zoe insists, very sassy. These girls can be very persuasive. I think making friends won't be so bad after all.

"I'd let them go, when Zo get's like this, Ava get's green. And I just finished fixing the damage from last time." Tony agrees.

"Okay fine, but be back in time for dinner." My dad shouts as I am pulled out of the room and into the elevator.

(Steve's POV)

"I hope the girls don't overwhelm her too much. She only woke up today." I think out loud.

"She'll be fine Steve. Trust the girls, they are all very responsible. They're probably going to go to the mall or to Starbucks or both. If I know Ariel, she will want to figure out what type of Starbucks Tori likes." Natasha 

"Yeah. Okay." I agree and make myself a cup of coffee.

**Three Hours Later - 6:00**

"It's 6:00 and they're not back. Where are they?" I wonder while sitting the table.

"Steve you're acting like me when I first let Ava go shopping with Zoe." Bruce laughs.

Then the elevator dings and all four of the girls come out with Starbucks and shopping bags in their hands, laughing so hard that Ariel and Tori fall on the floor. 

"What could possibly be so funny?" Tony asks with a very confused face.

"Zoe told us about the time you almost blew the lab and how when Bruce found out, he went all Hulk on you. It's funny!" Tori laughs. 

"No it's NOT!" Tony let's out a girlish scream.

"Whatever dad you were laughing about it the day after it happened with Bruce." Zoe laughed. 

"Well dinner's ready so, let's eat." I speak up.

(Victoria's POV)

Dinner was good. We had spaghetti and garlic toast. We talked a about all sorts of different topics. The main topic was obviously me. I don't mind, but I am really glad that I'm not Tony's daughter. That is just to much public attention for me. 

"Well I'm going to bed. Tori want me to show you your room?" Dad asks. 

"Sure." I nod and get up from the couch. We get on the elevator and go to the floor with a bunch of bedrooms.

"This floor is where all of the kids are staying. The Avengers stay on the floor right above this one. So we are all close, but this way you kids have some freedom and space." Dad explained. "This will be your room. It's not much now, but Pepper said that she will be taking you and the girls tomorrow somewhere so that you can get some more stuff for it."

"Cool. Thanks. I'm gonna go to bed, so good night." I say.

"Good night." He replies and hugs me and leaves to the Avengers floor. Then I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I answer.

"It's Chase. We haven't really got a chance to talk since you got here. I just wanted to know If you would like to go to lunch with me tomorrow? You know, to get to know each other better." He asked. 

Does he like me. No. I just got here. And I'm not even from this time. Okay calm down. He just asked me to lunch. Not out on a date.

"Sure that'd be fun." I smile.

"Well I'll let you get some sleep. Night." Chase smiles.

"Good night." I smile back. Then he leaves and closes the door. "Jarvis? Are you in my room?" 

"Yes Mrs. Rogers I am throughout the whole Avengers Tower." Jarvis replies.

"Am I still smiling I can't tell?" I giggle.

"Indeed you are Mrs. Rogers." He answers.

The Captain's Daughter (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now