The DJ (Erick and Katie)

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Swallowing my drink I glanced over my friends shoulder looking over at where the DJ was at. The late afternoon sunlight cast a reddish glow through his blond hair.

How did I know that he had blond hair?

Well, I may have spent a good chunk of my time sneaking looks at him.

"Instead of staring at him why don't you go talk to him."

Looking back at Alison I shook my head as she rolled her eyes. Shaking my head once more I raised my cup to finish it off. "You know how get when it comes to talking to guys," I said. Alison gave me look before pulling me back to the makeshift bar that was created for tonight's party. The table had a grass skirt taped on and several thin paper pineapples littered the ground.

Hearing a squeal I turned just in time to see some blond haired girl jumping into the crystal blue pool, the underground lights highlighting the fact that she was topless. Guys were hollering as one of their friends unceremoniously grabbed her and started kissing her. Rolling my eyes in disgust I focused on watching Alison grab us two sodas. Currently, besides the DJ, Alison and I were the only ones who weren't intoxicated or on their way to being intoxicated.

"She's going to regret that tomorrow," Alison added. Taking my soda I felt my body shiver  as I touched the freezing can. It had been sitting in the bucket of ice water that was near the alcohol. I pushed an ice cube off the top, trying to dry off some of the water that clung to it.

"Do you know his name?"

"It's Erick," I shouted as we went by one of the amps that was placed near the pool. Clasping my friends hand so I wouldn't loose her, I bit my bottom lip as we became surrounded by the sweaty bodies of our fellow class men. The stench of alcohol was strong in the air almost burning my nose, as people started to loose any sense of their conscious, meaninglessly grinding their bodies against someone that they most likely didn't even know. It was one reason that I didn't drink; I hated the idea of not being in control of my own body and someone else having the power to do what they wanted to me.

"Drunk words are true thoughts" I thought. It was something that my grandmother had said many times, and over the years I had memorized it, repeating it to my friends when they told us their stories of getting drunk with some guy and saying things they wouldn't have said if they were sober.

"How do you know him if you've never even talked to him?" Alison spoke at a normal voice making me realize that she had pulled us away from the main party and onto Luke's porch. There were two couples here, glancing at us for a second before returning their attention back to what originally held it. The wrap around porch was painted white with brown rocking chairs placed in spots all the way around. Sitting down in an empty one I sighed as my feet finally got a break from standing all day. If my feet could talk they would cry in relief.

Leaning back in my seat I slowly rocked back and forth, wincing as the chair made contact with the siding of the house. "He's in our grade."

"Really? He looks like he belongs in college."

I shook my head, closing my eyed for a second "Nope, he's a senior, just like us."

"You two would be cute together." Alison's voice took on an airy tone sounding far away. Opening my eyes I watched as she turned her attention to the horizon. The daffodil yellow sky was turning a darker gold at the edges as the hours went by. She pushed her long caramel brown hair back as it started to fall in her face, her red nails catching the light for a moment to shine before moving on.

"Louis will be back soon Alison," I promised, knowing that she was missing her boyfriend. Louis was three years older than us and was at college studying law. With a part time job on the weekends, a full time one in the summer, and managing school, he didn't have as much time to come home and visit as he would like. They were determined to make it work no matter how far apart they were.

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