Wave and Tatsumi have a man to man conversation

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Ten minutes after the girls left wave changes his clothes and takes his imperial arm grand chariot and a black box with him and leaves for night raids former base to speak with Tatsumi

Tatsumi is currently sitting outside of his and Mine's home he starts to remember how he viewed his girlfriend when the first they first met compared to now but as he is thinking wave appears from one of the trees and calls his name

He looks up and sees wave so he stands up to greet him and they go inside to talk.

Wave and Tatsumi are sitting in the living room and starts to explain what he needs help with

Tatsumi : so what do you need help with wave

Wave : I need help on Proposaling to kurome

Tatsumi : I see well I plan to propose to mine during the party later today so how about you propose then also does Akame know that you want to ask kurome to marry you

Wave : yes she is I asked her a week after we returned to the capital why do you ask

Tatsumi : well I just hope you aren't trying to marry her out of pity

After Tatsumi said that wave gets a bit mad before he replies

Wave : you think I would marry her out of pity wave's voice becomes angrier the more he thinks about what tatsumi said if I felt pity for her I wouldn'thave left everything behind for her so I am not trying to marry her out of pity I love her if I felt pity I would have let Akame kill her even after all this time with her my love for her is stronger than ever before it's near the point where I can't see myself with out her so no don't want to marry her out of pity I want to marry her because I love her!!!

Tatsumi : just wanted to be sure now help me clean up this place and hunt for meat for our guests and friends if you don't mind ?

Wave : sure why not

And with that wave and Tatsumi start cleaning up for the party later today.

Author's Notes : well It appears wave really loves kurome what do you think of wave as a character and as a man what will happen on the girls day out and how will the girls react to their boyfriends proposals find out later in Akame ga kill the proposals Altair out.

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