Harry faking- for larrybeiberdreams

Start from the beginning

The curtains opened suddenly and I rolled away from the light with a grunt. "Haz it's me, I've just got some pills for you to take so we can get you back for the interview." Liam's voice greeted me and I turned back around to face him. He looked worried and I felt a little guilty for making him feel like that.
"What is it?" I asked wearily.
"Just stomach relaxers and some ibuprofen for your head," he replied, holding out a drink bottle for me. I took it from him and sat up, downing the pills in one swift motion. I felt them slide down my throat and settle in my gut.
Liam touched my forehead for a second time, sighing as he pulled away a few seconds later. "You feel normal. . ."
The was a quiet scoff from around the corner and I glanced over to see Louis standing in the doorway with a slight smirk on his face. He was so onto me.

"He's not sick, Payno" Louis finally said, rolling his eyes. Liam's gaze intensified and I forced myself to look up at meet his eyes. They searched mine, looking for the lie. I struggled to lock it away.
"I don't know Lou. . ."
Louis snorted. "I would've thought we were all a bit more mature than this, Harry," he said before turning on his heel and stalking away just as Niall came in. I 

"What's up with him?" He asked through a mouth full of sandwich. I guessed it was the same one I had dismissed earlier.
"He's convinced Harry's faking," Liam explained, still not looking to sure about it himself.
"Just ignore him Hazza, he'll come to his senses soon," Niall assured me, his voice clear of any doubt. Thank the lord for Niall, he might just be my saviour. "So how are you doing now? Feeling any better?"

I shrugged again soundlessly.

"Well, we'll be at the venue in just over an hour so how about you just sleep til then?" He suggested and Liam nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, okay." I nodded and laid back down. The mattress had never felt more comfortable and warm. Sleep didn't come overly easily because I was stressing about Louis. The others weren't taking him too seriously but he was pissed off at me. It didn't sit right

I woke up later to someone shaking my shoulder harshly. I grunted and let my eyes flicker open. Louis was stood over me with a sharp glare on his face. A sudden and stabbing cramp in my stomach made my face screw up in pain and confusion.

Louis let out an irritated sound and rolled his eyes.

"Where are the others?" I asked, knowing that if Louis had a choice he wouldn't be the one waking me up. He didn't seem to want to be anywhere near me. On a good day I think he might've found my efforts funny but I guess he was tired or something.

Louis fluttered his eyelashes and waved his arms around dramatically, "trying to get you out of this interview because you're oh so sick."
I almost laughed at his antics but another stab to my guts rattled through me, making me curl up into myself.  What in the world was going on? My stomach hadn't hurt like this before I went to sleep. I'd only pretended that it had.

"Just give it up Harry would you, it's not even amusing anymore."
Louis sent me a look before leaving me alone to deal with this random stomach ache that had hit me out of nowhere.
He poked his head back in just as I was struggling to register the irony of this all.
"Get up, you're not getting out of this," he warned and then he was gone. For the third time today.

I dragged myself out of the bed and staggered to the couch, one arm wrapped around my torso protectively. I seriously could not believe this was happening. It had to some kind of shitty karma.

"Eat something will you? I don't wanna be listening to you grumbling all through the interview about how hungry you are," Louis bitched from the kitchenette. He was sitting in the counter, his legs swinging. Just the thought of food made a nauseating feeling course through me and I sat still for a moment, waiting for it to pass. I locked my lips shut tight and closed my eyes.

"What are you doing Idiot? You know I'm not buying this so why carry it on?" Louis questioned as my mouth started watering. Oh god. Are you fucking kidding me?
"Harry?" Louis tried again, sounding a bit doubtful now. I opened my eyes and looked at his concerned face and before I knew it I was puking all over the floor and it hurt like hell.

"Shit!" Louis exclaimed, rushing to my side and holding the garbage can under my mouth as what felt like a months worth of food barreled up my throat. It was burning like crazy and my stomach was in agony as it sent up everything it had. I barely noticed Louis' hand running up and down my sweaty back and when he started jabbering it was all kind of one long slur of words I could've sworn were in a different language.

"I'm so fucking sorry Harry! I've been a complete arsehole all day and you've obviously been feeling like absolute shit and- oh god I'm so so so so sorry- I'm such a shit friend, I didn't believe you even a little bit! I should just leave, and never show my face again, I'm a horrible person and I just-"

"Shut up Lou," I murmured, finally able to put the trash can down. I tried to avoid looking at the contents and what was splattered all over the floor. Louis stared at me guiltily, his face flushed from his little speech.

"I'm so sorry Hazza," he whispered.

"It's alright," I replied tiredly, leaning into his side. I knew that I should tell him that he was right, I was faking, but I didn't really see the point anymore. All I knew was that I felt like shit. What had I done to make me feel so sick? 

It took me a bit, but it did click. Those stupid pills I'd taken. They could make you sick of you took them unnecessarily and I had stupidly swallowed a fucking handful of the things. Great. Good one Harry.

"It's not alright, I should've believed you. . ." Louis trailed off as the bus door opened and Liam and Niall came back in. They both grimaced at the sight. I winced too, knowing that it probably wasn't a good look.

"Aw Hazza. . ." Niall muttered sympathetically as he observed the mess. Liam rushed over and shot me a small reassuring smile before taking the bin to empty. He came back with a mop and started scrubbing the stain out of the floor.
"Liam, here, I'll do it." Louis volunteered, obviously still feeling guilty about not believing me. I mean, who voluntarily cleans vomit?

"Thanks, Lou," Liam thanked him and laid a hand on my forehead yet again.
"You're definitely warmer than you were before."
I grunted and fell back into the couch, my stomach rolling under my hands.

"Luckily the interviews been postponed, turns out you're not the only one feeling poorly Harry," Niall said and I let out a small sigh in relief. Thank god.

Moments later when the floor was finally puke free and everything had quiet ended down a bit I found myself rushing to the bathroom to spill my guts a second time. It was not pleasant, not even in the slightest bit but I had done this to myself and that just made me feel a whole lot worse.
I was never going to do this again. Ever.
Well, I'm never going take pills of I don't need them, a sick day every now and then is not something I am willing to sacrifice ;)

Hopefully you enjoy this, it's a bit shorter than some of the rest but that's alright, I hope.

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