Terrorist Headcannons

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This is the only time that America and Russia work together. America doesn't call him "commie" and Russia's just Russia. They actually fight along each other but America was the first to quit. Either their forces were to strong, or he couldn't stand the past memories of him and Russia.

When the attack on Paris hit France, England was sulking in his room. Canada would visit the hospital every day and never lay a finger on his papa's football (soccer) stuff. England often blames America when he's drunk. He blames him for what happened to France. America starts feeling guilty and knows that he couldn't be a hero that he was.

America almost turned 2p. Ever since 9/11, rage and revenge burned in his heart. But he was surround by so many of his loved ones he couldn't let the 2p side of him turn. He still continues fighting them off.

France was in a coma. When he woke up, the whole FACE family was there. America had bruises on his skin from war, Britain looked like an angry mess, and Canada was sitting there, with his glasses fogging up from his constant crying. France shared pain with them.

This is one of the saddest FACE Family reunions besides the American Revolution.

Ever since America retreated, he's had two terrorist attacks. England also blames America for France's attack. America has the most scars from this event.

Not just America turning 2p but France almost did as well. He started to feel really negative after Paris. He even asked Netherlands how to smoke.

Switzerland never sleeps again when he heard about the attacks. He's always in Liechtenstein's room with his eyes awake, with his noble peace prize. He's protecting his little sister at all costs. Even then, he wears Liechtenstein's pajamas so that she could smile.

Poland also occasionally looks after Lithuania. Lithuania does the same with Poland.

Ever night China calls each and every one of his younger siblings at night to check if they're okay. He even sometimes calls Russia to ask if he's okay in the war. Russia replies and says, "I'll bring a sunflower when I get there."

Prussia tries his best to not be annoying at this time. Instead, he tries to blend in with other troops fighting against the terrorists. This is easy for him since he's dissolved. The ones that Prussia mostly protects are Canada, Germany, and Hungary.

The micronations want to be in a part of the war. Mostly Sealand and Seborga. But Wy is like, they're nagging nanny that tells them to stay safe. She couldn't convince them and she ended up taking a bullet for both of them. Sealand wouldn't stop apologizing and crying while Seborga was begging on his knees.

Turkey seemed confused when so many refugees were going to his place. Greece and TRNC told him why. Turkey gladly accepted them, and put on his mask so no one could know.

Hungary often says that she can handle her own problems with her own troops, she didn't realize that Prussia was blending in with them. When she noticed on the battlefield, they were defending each other.

Italy is actually ignored because the terrorists know how weak he is. They kill Italians for sport. Italy runs to Germany while Romano tries to sick his mafia on them. Even though, mafia age is over so he runs with his brother or to Spain.

When Finland was on his sleigh and reindeers on Christmas, he was riding on it not just on Christmas Day because he was watching over the Nordics. If they were attacked, he'd drop the presents (bombs).

Denmark's axe broke in half when he was fighting in combat. He got a new one from Norway's magic.

This is the time that Hong Kong and Iceland wish they were still kids. They didn't want to be in a part of this. They often hide with their "Big Brothers".

When Sweden heard that Sealand wanted to be in the war and the incident with Wy, he put him in a box and kept him there for hours.

Australia and New Zealand heard about Wy and never let their eyes off of her.

Seborga ran to Italy then he ran to Germany. He couldn't forget what happened to Wy.

While Italy was fleeing, he started to think about Holy Roman Empire more often. He hides in the corner and cries about it.

Austria's piano broke from a bomb. He tried to repair it but he was also shot while doing so.

Philippines was given a military base from America. She doesn't use it but when she finds about America, she wants to use America's military base and often complains to Indonesia and Malaysia about her boss not letting her use it.

Netherlands now talks to his sister every day like how China calls his siblings.

Thailand wasn't always the land of smiles as he was worried about Vietnam and tries to make her smile every day, even with what's going on.

Monaco doesn't really play poker during a time like this. Though it's tempting, she's likely to just take care of France with his condition. Seychelles tries and participate in war but both England and France tell her not to.

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