Old Self Headcannons

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England and Spain may be normal now but they're still rivals. They go into pirate mode when they're either drunk, or the magic trio puts a spell on either one of them. Romano and America are scared for their lives. France finds it quite attractive when Iggy goes into pirate mode.

Japan isn't a samurai since his hair is actually cut. He was one but had to cut off his hair in a normal length. He didn't want to be somewhat like China. But he likes to think of himself as one still, but he uses a katana instead of a sword.

America still goes to rodeos and acts like a cowboy. He isn't just Miley Cyrus and Hotline Bling. He also has the perfect country accent and most people in his country don't know he's America and sort of fawn over him. He takes off his glasses sometimes to blend in.

Germany may not have Nazis anymore, but he's a REAAALL Grammar Nazi on the Internet.

Turkey and Greece once caught Egypt belly dancing and posted it on the Internet. It was disliked by Romano's fake accounts and Egypt.

The Bad Touch Trio still love to hate on Austria. They prank him, etc etc but in the end, Hungary sides with Austria and shows the BTT no mercy.

Switzerland still defends Austria. But only secretly so that Austria won't think of him as Austrian Land.

Italy still uses a push broom and sometimes comes to Austria's house. He once wore Hungary's clothes and looked like a taller Chibitalia.

Romano still punches Spain's stomach.

Russia has little dolls in his house of Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania and often plays with them when no one is around so that he wouldn't feel lonely and the Soviet Union was still with him.

Belarus on the other hand makes snowmen of Russia when she gets lonely. If not then she just goes to Russia's house during the summer and stalks him.

Estonia's slow internet gives him time to think about his life choices. At times, Ukraine comes to his house and he's the only one that doesn't look at her gigantic jugs.

Ukraine still likes to have friends around but she's a bit too scared to visit Belarus. So she's often with Estonia. Latvia visits the micronations and Lithuania visits Poland.

Netherlands doesn't change from his past self. Because his past self was very poor and he doesn't want to think about it.

Denmark often has arguments with Sweden. But Norway or Finland either break it up before one of them curse in front of poor Sealand.

China surrounds him in plushies because he uses the technique that Russia uses with the dolls. He names each and every one of them after an Asian country.

Finland was once man enough to have an arm wrestling match with Russia. He was winning but then he remembered his nightmare. He cried and easily lost after that. He was running to his husband and son and hugged them tight.

Denmark still defends all of the Nordics with all his life. Norway insists, but he doesn't care what Norway says. He just cares that all of them were safe. If they're not with him, he knows that they have weapons with them.

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