Chapter 14- Romeo Wannabe

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*Jack's POV*

The morning went slowly as we sat in the venue, enduring a various number of soundchecks and briefings on tonight opening performance. I strummed gently on my guitar, the strings enchanting my fingers into a slow, solemn melody. Zack sat beside me, plucking gently on the strings of his bass and Alex was behind us, humming gently whilst Rian tapped his legs in sync. The strumming, the plucking, the humming and the tapping soon joined together but the flow was interrupted by a girl bounding over to us in an excited state.

"Hey Zack!" She exclaimed, and to my surprise he jumped out of his seat to meet her.

"Um- Hi, Guys this is Hayley... Hayley this is-"

"Alex, Rian and Jack, pleasure to meet you" she extended a hand to all of us and shook them strongly. I felt as though my arm had just been ripped out from it's socket.

"You guys played really well, well if what you guys were doing counted as playing..." She chirped, and then looked at Zack. I saw him smile nervously. Something was fishy. I had never seen them talk to each other before, and all of a sudden it was as though they were good friends... it just didn't make sense. Then it hit me, the only time Zack had been alone was... last night.

"Well, I better be going now... Wanna come with?" She asked Zack and he nodded slowly.

"Sure" he replied, pressing his lips together. They walked away together, talking and laughing, almost too friendly.

Naturally, I followed.

I know I know, I shouldn't be so nosey, but this was Zack my lifelong friend. I think I deserved the right to spy on him and his new... friend. Okay, I know it's wrong of me to assume anything.

I was creeping behind them on the way when I fell. The tangled wires lying on the floor wrapped around my feet and I landed in a heap of long limbs and twisted bones. I grimaced in pain and sprawled my arms and legs across the floor to lift myself of the floor, that's when the boots appeared in front of my face. They were shiny and black with platforms, and buckles all the way to the top.

"Having fun there?" A voice, a beautiful voice called. My eyes traced from her boots all the way to her face. She was a beautiful as her voice, long blonde hair floated to her waist and the black layers of her grungy clothing made her look amazing.

I realised how weird the situation was, I was lying on the floor, looking up at the goddess.

"I'm great! Are you great? I'm great." I blurted, jumping up off the floor despite the pain that shot through my legs. She lifted an eyebrow at me.

Please like me


I told the voice praying in my head to stop distracting me.

I took a step towards her and watched her mouth twist into a smirk.

"Are you sure about that?" She whispered, closing the gap between us by another few inches. I could almost feel her heart beat and I tell she could feel mine.

"Very sure... what's a beautiful girl like you doing here?"

"I could say the same for you." She taunted, looking into my eyes.

"What is your name?" I whispered, I needed her name. I needed a name for the girl that I would dream about for eternity. She took another step closer, so that our bodies were touching.

"Juliette" She whispered. I could feel her breath on my skin. It sent tingles down my spine.

"Juliette" I repeated in a whispered. She leaned in, her lips almost touching mine.

"And yours?"


"Jack...I like that" She smirked and spun around, her hair whipping in my face. I felt like I had just been shut off. The heat that she made course my body had disappeared. I couldn't help but stare in awe and desperation as she sauntered away, with my heart. I could almost feel me knees beginning to collapse but was saved by the surprised Alex who bounded up behind me.

"C'mon Jack, our turn for soundchecks!" he said, pulling me towards the stage. I felt my self being absorbed in the music.

I was playing for Juliette.

All I wanted was to be her Romeo.

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