Chapter 31- Everything I've Ever Wanted.

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*Jack's POV*

When the sun was setting, I saw her. She looked beautiful. A black dress, sleeves to her wrists and her hair pushed to the side. She was standing with Jenna, talking. Jenna looked out of place in jeans and a black tank top, she turns and waves. I can tell she has a plan. I head over, tugging on the ends of my shirt, hoping I don't look bad. 

"Jack! Hey, I don't know if you two have met before. This is Juliet." She's a good actor. Juliet smiles and half-waves.

"Yes, we have met." She says softly, shaking my hand. She hangs on to it longer than usual. Jenna gives me another eager smile. I feel nervous, shaky. She lets go, flashes me a sly smile. 

"I've got- uh- yeah I forgot I have a thing with... Vic. It's beer o'clock!" Jenna exclaims, rushing of.

"See you Jenna!" I wave back. Juliet smiles.

"Haven't seen you in a while." She says softly. I smile creeps across my face.

"Define a while..." I reply. She smirks.

"Maybe just a little too long." She half-whispers, taking a step closer. A sudden sensation of deja vu creeps over me. She's doing it again, luring me in. This time she seems less impulsive. She seems like she knows what she wants. She takes another step closer. I clear my troat and stand straighter.

"You look tense Jack, relax." Her heels click on the tar as she gradually steps closer. My heart is thumping, about to burst out of my chest. She's close now, inches away from me. She reaches out to my shirt, pulling my collar up.

'That's better, you look better, easier to talk to."

"Juilet I-"

"Sssshhh..." She presses a finger to my lips. I can feel myself blushing, heat rising inside of me. She looks me right in the eye, her pupils fluttering from my eyes to my lips.

"I like you, Jack, very much." She whispers. 

"The feelings m-mutual." I mumble. A smirk spreads across her lips. She plants her lips on mine passionately. Her fingers run through my hair. She's perfect in every way. And she likes me.

Whilst I'm kissing her. Something moves in the corner of my eye. It's Jenna, smiling at me with her thumbs up. 

She may be smiling, but she looks sad.

Remembering Sunday (An all time low/paramore/we are the in crowd fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ