Questions, Me, Myself and More Questions

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Oki so I got tagged by ShimmerlyFaith And you have to follow the rules too :3


You must post all the rules

You must tag 15 people

You must post 13 facts about yourself

You must answer 13 questions given to you

You must create 13 more questions for those you tag

You cannot say you don't do tags

You must finish this within a week or I have full power to remind you

You should be creative with the title

13 Facts About Me

1. I easily get annoyed when I'm disturbed while doing my favorite thing. Like when someone takes off the earphones when I'm listening to my favorite song -3-

2. I love anime and manga.

3. I like to tease my friends a lot.

4. I love to act like an idiot or crazy or someone who came out from the mental hospital when with people I'm close with XD

5. I love making ryhmes.

6. I love the colors blue, white and black.

7. I love animals, specifically the dogs and wolves and foxes.

8. I prefer Japanese and Korean music over English and Filipino music...hehe

9. I am boyish. My best friend said that I'm 10% girly and 90% boyish. I was like: Really? Can't it atleast be 20-30% girly?

10. I love to roleplay.

11. My classmates have told me to watch BTS music videos and now I love it XD

12. I usually dance and sing to my favorite and catchy songs.

13. I'm sorta emo-- no scratch that. I'm emotional. Hahaha.


1. Do you love yourself?

Wow, I immeadiatly thought about Love Yourself and started singing mentally XD. Anyway, yes. I do. But sometimes I get annoyed of myself, too.

2. On a rate of 1-10, can you rate your mood?

Yes. I can. :3
...okay, I know. Hmmm. 8?

3. Who's your very very first anime crush?

Hmmm. If I'm not mistaken, it's Vegeta from DBZ XDDDDD. I know, kinda weird. Hahahahaha.

4. Trapped on an island in the middle of summer or trapped in a cage with your worst nightmare?

The first choice, the first choice, the first choice. Hahahahah. I don't want to be in a cage with dead loved ones. Just nuuuuuuu. ._.

5. Go to the anime world and stay there for 10 days and after that you'll be stuck there with no memory or wish for an anime person and he/she will stay for 9 months and your memory with him/her with vanish after that yet his/her memory will not?

Hmmmm. The second choice. I couldn't risk losing my precious memories X3. And I will only forget being with him but I won't really forget him :3 And he still remembers me and he's still in our world so I can meet him again! XD Lol.

6. Blue or Red?

Blueeeeee! :333

7. Oceans or sunflower garden?

Oceans! :3 But of course, I like flowers as well but I imagine I'll enjoy it more with the oceans~

8. Your idea of a perfect date, couple and love?

A perfect date: Being together with your special someone at the beach with a lovely sunset~ Or to be realistic, just have quality time with each other and surprises. ^_^

Couple: A couple who trusts each other and are like best friends and siblings.

Love: It is like a loyal dog, you don't need to chase it, it will come back to you because it thinks you're playing around.

9. Winter or Summer?

I can't choose to be honest. I think Winter is nice but I haven't experienced it yet! Summer in the Philippines is super hot so, I don't like it. *thinks* Ok! Summer! 'Cause of the vacation XD But I still want to experience the snow :3

10. Brother or sister?

I'm an only child. But. Brother! And older brother. I think it'll be nice to have someone to protect you even though they'll tease you every now and then.

11. If you're with your least favorite character, what will you do?

Simple. Go to my favorite characters instead. X3

12. A gun or knife? As for the defense?

A knife. It can be hidden well and used easier than a gun. A gun can run out of bullets.

13. Day or Night?

Day. I feel safer at day but it's cooler and nicer to sleep at night. Hehehe

I tag:

1. Pants or skirts?
2. Boyish or girly?
3. Funny or serious?
4. Traditional art or digital art?
5. Cellphone or pc or tablet?
6. Outside or at home?
7. Water or fiyah?
8. If you were to pick, happy beginning then sad ending or sad beginning then happy ending?
9. Wake up early or stay up late at night?
10. Anime or Manga?
11. Shounen or Shoujou?
12. Music video or movies?
13. Best guy friend or best girl friend?

Arigatou gozaimasu~ Kamsahamnida~ Thank you~ Selemet XD

-Liz ❄️

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