Chapter 32

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"Take care and please don't forget me,"
"Losing Teeth," by Neck Deep
Cleo's POV
I took my bag from the break room, walking into lobby to make sure everything was clean when I was greeted by Paige sitting at a table.
I sat down in front of her and took off my hat, crossing my hands on the table and leaning back.
"Cleo, we can make this work. We can....have a secret relationship. You can say that you have a big test coming up and that you have study every day after school."
"That won't work because 1) my parents are so strict they'd call my teachers to ask if I did have a test, 2) if they called me they would know by my tone that I wasn't studying and 3) your house is the opposite way from the school. They'd know that I'd be at your house from the road that I was coming from, and 4) they would call your mom and ask if I was there and your mom is the most honest person I know. She's not going to lie to them and even if she did they would be able to tell because she's your mom. It won't work."
"We could meet at school and hang out at the soccer fields and you could say that you were hanging out with your friends."
"That wouldn't work either because 1) if they drove past the school they would see my car there, 2) if you haven't noticed, they won't let me go anywhere without following me there other than school so the possibility of me going to hang out with friends is pretty much impossible, and 3) they would see us at the soccer fields because it's on my dad's way to work. The plan won't work."
"I could walk to your house after school and sneak into your room."
"That's impossible because 1) my parents installed security cameras and motion sensor lights, 2) they come up to check up on me every hour and 3) even if you did somehow to manage to sneak in, they know when I'm lying."
"You could say that you work after school and we could hang out at the lake."
"Really? 1) My work schedule is hung up on my door, 2) they would call my work to see if I was there, and 3) they would call me and like I said, they know when I'm lying. It won't work."
"We could run away again.....,"
I got up, throwing my hands in the air and pushing Paige out the door as I went to turn off all the lights.
I walked outside and caught Paige before she left.
"It won't work, Babe. I'm sorry. This is actually all my fault."
She gave me a kiss and I missed the taste of her lips, her smell, the taste of cherry in her mouth and on her lips from her lipstick.
She pulled away and frowned, looking down.
I lifted her head up to meet my face.
"Take care, and please don't forget me, Paige Marie Hollows."
I kissed her once more before she nodded, rolling up her window and speeding out of the parking lot. And that was the last time I ever spoke to Paige.

Take care and please don't forget me.


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