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The next day Criss got up early and called his brother to tell him he wasn't coming into work . "I can understand after last night so enjoy the day with Aurora" and hung up. Criss went back upstairs and checked on Aurora who was sleeping soundly. Criss just stared at her remembering when he brought her home that afternoon which made tears fall down his face.

Criss left the room and went downstairs. When Sandra woke up she saw Criss's car was still the drive way so she went to the kitchen and saw Criss feeding Aurora. She just watched as they eat together which made Sandra smile and wish she had a video camera. After they finished Criss cleaned her up and the dishes. "Up daddy up" as Aurora held her hand out. "Give me a second" as he put the dishes in the sink.

After that Criss picked her up and Aurora put her little arms around Criss. "You want to go to the park". Aurora nodded her head. "Well let's get you a coat and we'll go"Criss stated. Criss put her down and she walked off as Sandra came in. "That was so adorable Criss" she remarked. Criss smiled.

Aurora came back in with Criss's jacket on her which made Criss and Sandra laugh. Criss picked her up. "Wrong coat sweetie" as he took it off.  "You guys have fun and I'll have dinner waiting for you" Sandra remarked. "All right" and they left. At the park Criss was having fun with Aurora as she played with other kids. "Play" Aurora said as she tugged on Criss's pants. "All right" and they went to play on the swings. Around one Aurora started to get sleepy and so was Criss.

He took Aurora to The Luxor and went to his dressing room. He pulled the bed out and laid her down and she fell asleep. Criss locked the door and laid next to Aurora as he fell asleep himself. The sound of Criss's phone woke him up. He rubbed his eyes as he saw Aurora was still sleep. Criss got up slowly and answered the phone. "Hello". "Christopher where are you and Aurora it's way past her nap time I thought you would of brought her home by now"Sandra explained.

"Don't worry we're at The Luxor in my dressing room we're having a nap together" as Aurora started to stir. "Well why don't you and Aurora come home for dinner" she said and hung up. Criss picked up Aurora as a dirty diaper smell hit.  Aurora giggled as Criss smirked. At the production office Costa was doing some work when Criss came in with Aurora. "What are you doing here?"he asked. "Long story but I need to change Aurora". "I can tell" as Costa pinched his nose.

"Just grab me a diaper and some wipes" as Aurora started to cry. "It's all right Aurora you'll be clean in no time" as Costa gave him the diaper. "I'm surprise you don't magically make a clean diaper appear on her"Costa joked. A light bulb came on in Criss's head as Criss took her pants off.

"Watch this sweetie "Criss said as he put the clean diaper on top of the dirty one still on Aurora, than he took a shirt and put over Aurora's legs. Criss pulled the shirt off and Aurora had the clean diaper on while the dirty one was next to her. Costa clapped as Criss put back on her little demin pants. "That was cool Criss" Costa remarked. Aurora even clapped as Criss picked her up. "Do me a favor throw this away"Criss asked as he gave the dirty diaper to Costa than left. "Thanks" Costa muttered as he threw the diaper in the trash.

AURORADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora