"I've never realized my feelings for you until you told me yours... I've been so stupid and blind to see and feel it...." He added. "And now, every time that I look into your eyes, I know that you're the one for me. You're my missing piece." Then he leaned in and collided his forehead against mine lightly.

"But... What about Kristine?" I asked.

"I broke up with her. I realized that she's not the one for me." He said. "I love you Mariah. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Then I noticed that Jayden, Julian, Trent and William were all watching us, giving us thumbs up and cheeky smiles. I laughed, "Let me answer you in a way that you would like." I said then I kissed him on the lips passionately and there were those sparks that I've never felt with my past boyfriends. I pulled away, half-hypnotized by the magical moment.

"Is that a yes?"

I nodded and then he laughed and hugged me tight and kissed me again on my lips. The other guys cheered.

"Finally!!!" Jayden and Julian said.

"After the long wait." Trent said.

"Yep. But it's definitely worth the wait." William said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

Suddenly, Zach carried me. "Wait! What are you doing?!" I said.

"You'll see!" He said cheekily and then he ran towards the water while carrying me in his arms and....


Both of us got wet. The other guys laughed and jumped back into the pool with us and we all had a good time. After that, we all changed into our house clothes then decided to have a movie marathon.

"Aw c'mon! I want to watch the comedy one!" Jayden pouted.

"We already watched a funny movie last time Jaydo, for crying out loud!" William said.

They fought over about which movie should we watch but then we all ended up watching the funny movie and like before, we all died because of laughter. After that, we all ate dinner and then watched again a movie and this time, it was a horror movie. To be honest, I'm really scared to death but, hey, at least I didn't leave any nail marks on Zach this time. He must've noticed that I'm shaking in fear so he pulled away from the couch and we went outside and sat on the hammock.

"Are you sure you don't want to watch the movie?" I asked him.

"I want to but I know that I wouldn't be able to enjoy it if you're not enjoying it as well." He said then we both laughed. "Oh... Can you wait here? I'll just get something back inside." I nodded then he left. As I looked up, I noticed that the sky is filled with lots of stars tonight. A few minutes later, he came back with his guitar. He sat beside me and then he started strumming the intro of the song and it was my favourite song.

For all the times I felt cheated, I complained

You know how I love to complain

For all the wrongs I repeated, though I was to blame

I still cursed that rain

I didn't have a prayer, didn't have a clue

Then out of the blue

God gave me you to show me what's real

There's more to life than just how I feel

And all that I'm worth is right before my eyes

And all that I live for though I didn't know why

Now I do, 'cause God gave me you

For all the times I wore my self pity like a favorite shirt

All wrapped up in that hurt

For every glass I saw, I saw half empty

Now it overflows like a river through my soul

From every doubt I had, I'm finally free

I truly believe

God gave me you to show me what's real

There's more to life than just how I feel

And all that I'm worth is right before my eyes

And all that I live for though I didn't know why

Now I do, 'cause God gave me you

In your arms I'm someone new

With ever tender kiss from you

Oh, must confess

I've been blessed

God gave me you to show me what's real

There's more to life than just how I feel

And all that I'm worth is right before my eyes

And all that I live for though I didn't know why

(Didn't know why)

Now I do, 'cause God gave me you

(I finally do, God gave me you)

God gave me you

Then he pulled out a red box from his pocket and opened it and it was a gold locket neclace and on it were the words that say:

Open this on our 1st anniversary.

"Open this on our 1st anniversary...." I said then I laughed.  "Wow, Zach? Really?"

"Really." He said then he held my hand. "What's inside it?" I asked him.

"You'll get to see it on our first anniversary. And don't even bother to try opening it before our first anniversary, okay?"



"I'm not a kid, Zach."

"Come on, Mariah..."

"Fine. Pinky-promise."

Then our pinky fingers intertwined with each other. He looked at me in the eye and said, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too Zach..." I said. "More than you could ever think of." And then we kissed.

I must be the happiest person alive.

Thank God I Found YouWhere stories live. Discover now