Chapter 2

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As I pulled up to my new school I saw a group of people about my age hanging out in the parking lot. I pulled up in an empty spot right next to them. As I'm getting out of my car I hear the boy with the dark curly hair whistle at me and what looked like his sister walks over to me. "Hi I'm Octavia Blake." "Hi I'm Clarke Griffin. Wow I've been here for what? Two minutes? I already have a friend!" Clarke said with joy. "Hey come over here and hang out with us!" "Um... Ok" Clarke didn't know what to say she didn't want to be rude.  Her and Octavia walk over to this red car with 5 people around it. " Let me introduce you.  There's Fin, Monty, Jasper, Raven. Oh and that's my brother, Bellamy." She said as she pointed to all the people. Bellamy, that's the cute boy that whistled at me. "Guys this is Clarke Griffin." Octavia continued. "So, what am I going to call you?" Fin said, he must have been looking at my shirt, which had a small crown in the corner, because he said " I'm going to call you princess."  Again I didn't want to be rude so I went with it.  "Princess? I like it." Bellamy said, obviously trying to flirt with me. " Hey, maybe you should come to my party tonight." Jasper asked me.   " do you know what? I'll do it. Octavia will you show me where my classes are? Bye guys nice to meet you!"

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