Chapter 4

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It's late night and I was cuddling my blanket in my room. Simone's Mom finally picked her up like an hour ago.

For some reason I thought of this afternoon's meeting with Toby. He was different. I couldn't tell, but he's just different. At one point this morning I thought that yes, maybe Simone's right, that those new friends from distance learning program were all the same. Trying to be cool and what not. Because if you could hear one joke from normal students to online students, we always said that those kids were too scared to go out and meet the real people. But you know, it's just what my friends said. Like an old joke ever since a distance learning was applied.

But his eyes really wanted to tell different story, I believe.

Beep. My phone popped a notification. I lazily checked the sender of that text from dragging down the notification bar and-


What? When did I? Wow tricky hands. Little tricky guy.

Have you slept already?
Sorry if I woke you up but if you're there, let me know.

Anxiety took over me. Never thought I would be this anxious about getting a text from Toby. But looking back to these years I've been following him on Twitter and maybe once or twice - or ten times - begging for a follow back like any other fan? Now I got a text from him? Who voluntarily, or just being very tricky, put his own number on my phone? Okay stop it Hannah, focus on what you want to say back to him right now.

Hey. Look who's texting. Surprised that I didn't remember when I saved your number. Haha. I'm here.

Sent. Oh my gosh you couldn't understand how panic I was. Little part of me just screamed happily inside. Too soon? Maybe. But to a girl who's been hiding behind an account and fighting for her spotlight among a hundred thousand more cute girls? I guess I'm normal.

Haha. Sorry for multitasking on your phone. Just thought it was a perfect time to get your number.

Holy guacamole this is real. We were texting. Officially. I was talking in the most private way with the guy I've been adoring.

That's acceptable. Why still awake?

It's starting to feel good. I felt normal and okay. It's like texting Simone or other friends normally. Wow. What now, we're best friends already?

Oh, working time. We always work at this late night. But why aren't you sleeping?

I chuckled. Felt twice as real now. We held this conversation for almost an hour until I lost the battle and knocked out. For a very first time again after millions of years, I fell asleep smiling.

Woke up in the following morning, I magically made it before the alarm. It was still very dark outside. I had a good mood. So I brush my teeth, washed my face, get quick clean but minus shower, and slipped into my Converse. Morning jog sounds cool.

I ran across the neighborhood, seeing these people get themselves ready for today's work. I saw some of them were checking their cars, or kids were bicycling around. I was in that good mood, that jogging now seemed a cool thing.

"Oh my goodness. Look at you."

I looked around. Where that voice came from? I wasn't sure because currently blasted my ears with music but...

"We have to stop acting creepy to each other." I chuckled. "How do you end up here?"


"Yeah I see that."

"You jogging? That's cool."

"After a zillion years. I feel like so."

"What a coincidence." Toby acted silly around me.

"What a creepy coincidence." I slowly continued to walk as he followed.

A little bit of awkward silence here and there but we enjoyed the moment. I often threw my sight to empty park on my left because almost couldn't find a good topic. So did he. But that's cool. We tried to deal with it and I think that's better than to force a fake talk.

"Did I disturb you last night when I text?" Toby started the conversation again.

"No. Not at all. I'm a nocturnal."

"Wow. What does it make me if you're a nocturnal already? Some kind of nocturnal life inventor? Because dang, our sleep schedule is so..."

"Nobody could defeat you guys' lives." I nodded. "How are Connor and Riley?"

"They pass out. Haha. I slept earlier than them last night because this two-week school. My parents kind of a little bit more protective over what I daily do while having normal school like this. But this week's show could never wait."

"That HOB show?"

"Yeah." He asked me to sit on a bench to catch our breath. "You coming?"

"Hmm... I don't have a pass. I literally just found out few days ago when Dad and I drove by."

"Do you even need a pass if it's the band who ask you to come? We invite you." He winked.

Oh boy, I've told you not to wink.

"That's an honor. I feel bad for not purchasing a pass."

"Seriously? Come on, just come to HOB and meet me there this weekend."

I chuckled. "You're very kind. Thank you."

"Not a problem." Toby gave a hand to me. I hesitated. Not sure what to do with his hand. "Uhm, I mean let's go home and shower and go to school."

"Oh right." I giggled. "I guess...see you later?"

"You don't want me to drive you?"

"Morning routine with Daddy. I'll pass for now."

"Sure. Sure no problem. See you there."


"Bye Hannah."

It's like a stab on my chest. But in a good way. The way he spelled my name, it was different. It was soft and deary. Dang, he randomly made me feel like this name I have is the best name in the world.

Gosh, what was I dealing with?

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