Chapter 3

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So yes, Simone and I were coming back to school. I think I could use some time in library while Simone was taking her book from her locker. I asked her to just do the homework there, and she agreed.

"Wow." She threw her eyes out to the field.

"Oh dang. Focus, girl. Staring off at the football team won't make your homework done magically by any chance." I sighed.

"But nah, look at Geoffrey." She poked my arm.

"Lord..." I gave in. "What? What about Geoffrey?"

"Smoking hot."

"Jeez! Drop that off, Simone."

"Haha. Okay."

My best friend here ladies and gentlemen, with all her heart, tried so hard to focus on homework but I guess it didn't bring her any good. I've almost done to the last paragraph, yet she still struggled with the second or third phrase. I finally had to make a decision which not quite surprising because everytime we did homework at library Simone would always end up distraught by those cool football players. Not that I wasn't interested. I probably cared a lot more about what time we should leave the school because it's getting dark.

"Okay. Simone, look at me." I pulled her chin so she paid me a bit of attention. "Read this paragraph, find your answer, I need to go to the toilet. You better finish it when I come back."

"Thanks!" She took the book I gave her because the guys outside were also taking a break and she lost her good angle.

I walked across the corridor to reach the toilet. Soon as I was about to approach the library, silhouette of a tall guy caught my attention. It was dark from where I stood. But I think...

"Hannah? What are you doing here?" The guy walked toward me.

"Oh! You. I didn't realize it's you. Sorry."

"Yeah. Football." Toby showed me his uniform. "You, why staying til this late?"

"Homework. Simone and I decided to do it at library."

"Simone? Your friend?"

"Yeah." I nodded in hesitation. "Does she forgive me?"

"It'll pass. Don't worry."

"Hmm..." Toby bowed his head and so did I because awkward. "You have plan after homework?"

"Not much, actually, just going home with Simone to my house where her Mom will pick her up."

"I kinda..."


"Hannah? Hannah!"

Simone's voice was too loud that it echoed through the whole corridor. We both chuckled. She never dealed too well with silence.

"We can talk about it later." Toby winked. "Can I borrow your phone? I actually left it in my locker room but no time to get it. I have to text Connor."

"Oh sure." I handed it to him. "Yes, a minute, Sim!"

"Like she could hear you."

"She can. Trust me she can." I giggled.

I saw Toby texting a number. I thought he would delete the text because let's be honest, their numbers are top secrets. Normal people like me could never even take a guess. Privacy. But he, I think, left the sent message on purpose. Like he trusted me with his brother's number.

"Thank you so much and see you tomorrow, Hannah." Toby gently poked my arm.

"Sure! See you."

He winked. Already twice in less than five minutes.

"What takes you so long?" Simone typically pouted.

"Stomachache." I rolled my eyes. "Done?"

"I think so."

"Okay I'll check that when we're home. Now let's go. Getting dark outside."

We both put back our books to the shelf, then walked to the bus station from the east side of building. Occassionally, I glanced at the crowd of guys over there. Just spotted the right guy. He smiled back.

"Hey! Is that the guy who spilled coffee over me?"

"Toby. His name is Toby. He has a name."

"I don't care. He's a celebrity and I don't even care." Simone gave an unhappy look but slightly smiled when she spotted Geoffrey.

"Since when?"



"Haha. Just a little over a week. He texted me first."

"Out of sudden? Wow that's major."

"Yeah. He's kinda sweet though. He told me he's gonna have football today."

"Oh! So it's not about the book in the locker?"

"A bit about that too..." She grinned.

"Next time you'll get it solo."

"Ain't he cute?" Simone begged for agreement.

"Only if you forgive Toby."

"What the heck? Is that even related?"

"No. I just want to say that it's not good, what you did to him."

Simone was about to argue me but our bus has arrived. We stepped in. I sat right by the windows side. I had a clear sight of him. Once again.

The wink. I still remember the wink. He's looking good.

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