Say Goodbye

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Make a list.
Of everyone you love and care for, everyone who's ever loved and cared for you. Now cross off everyone you're ready to say goodbye to permanently, everyone your ready to let go of and leave behind in grief.
Anybody left? Yes? Good.
Look at those who you don't want to leave behind. Look at the good memories, even if it's just a hug or corny joke, or something that happened years ago. Play some music, for example 'Can You Feel My Heart' by Pierce The Veil or 'King For A Day' also by them. Look in the mirror, write down all the reasons you want to end your life. Then write down everything you hate about yourself and your life. If you need more paper then feel free to use more paper. Now rip it up. That list is gone. But you still are unhappy. Note make a list of everything you like about yourself, whether it's how your once made someone smile, or how one outfit looked pretty/handsome on you at some point. Or maybe (for SAGA) how you admitted to yourself (and/or family/friends) your sexuality/sexual orientation, which is a brave thing to do. It can be anything, make a list and when you're done, rip it up. Just like the bad things, those good things are still there. Now look in the mirror and smile, think of your happiest memory and smile. Now take the list of reasons you want to kill yourself, and hold it. 
Write a list of reasons to live. For example, all the good things that may happen, your future children/family, all the dreams you had as a child coming true, all other people who want to end it too that could use a friend like you, ask those memories you've yet to make, future events like a concert, overcoming fears, the lives you've yet to influence even if all you do is wave to someone.  Now take the other list of reasons to end your life, and rip it up. As you do, say goodbye, to the bad times, to things but getting better to all the ones bringing you down. Take the other list and keep it close, never forget your reasons.  You've just ended your life and started a new life.

Darling you'll be okay.

Today nay seem worthless and tomorrow may seem like a dream just out of reach, but you can make it, because you're stronger than you realize.

Whatever hurts, I'm sorry and I love you. Someone is always here, even if it's through social media or a song.

You are not alone.

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