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I see everyone being upset for being "Rick-Rolled" and saying they just want to know their loved ones will be okay.

I hate to be the one to tell you, but they will NOT be okay. They will wonder why and it will absolutely hurt like h3||. It's hurts too loose someone you love, and it hurts even more knowing they did it to themselves.

I've lost too many loved ones to their own hands. I know deep down, that there's most likely nothing I could've done. That when someone gets to that point it's because they just want to stop hurting. But your hurt doesn't just go away. It goes to them.

I lost a really close friend a month ago to suicide. It has been my breaking point. All I can do is replay the memories I have of them. All I can do is think, I'm next. That if he couldn't win his battles, what hope do I have?

I am grieving. For him. For everyone who feels the way he felt. The way I feel. For everyone that saw no other way out.

Be mad at me all you want, but I'm just speaking the truth. The people that love you, want to help you. Want to see you happy. Truly happy. Please get help. I'm BEGGING you. I wish he would've gotten help.

But he didn't. And now I don't know what to do. Now I'm just lost and confused. Hoping that this loss won't be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Even though I know it broke me. Cut me to my core. Every night I sit alone crying over him.

I don't say all this to guilt trip you into living. I say all this as someone who has been losing people to their own hands every year for three years. I'm tired of the funerals. Tired of getting the calls. Just once, I want someone to choose to live.

Ending It AllWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt