2. Goodbye Notes Don't Make Up For The Pain

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Mikey had gotten off the bus with Pete in tow, settling them into a space behind a lamppost and the bus station. Pete shouldered his guitar case and bag, brushing his hair out of his face with a puff of air.

Mikey looked down at the note from Gerard again, turning it over to find and address of where to ask for this 'George Ross' fellow.

"Is that an address?" Pete asked, leaning over Mikey's shoulder and slightly putting his weight onto him. But Mikey didn't mind all that much, he hardly even noticed.

"Yeah. Gerard gave it to me so I could ask for someone that could help me-now us I guess-find him." Mikey read the address over again to try and memorize it for a reason he didn't particularly know. But if he managed to actually get a cab to stop for them then he could just tell him.

"We gonna get a cab or walk? I refuse to walk by the way, so you have no choice." Pete smiled wide like a little shit at Mikey, making Mikey chuckle.

"Okay Wentz, we'll get a damn cab. Chill." Mikey grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, walking down the street to the road. He heard Pete's footsteps behind him: stumbling and uneven like he was drunk. Mikey turned around to see Pete tripping over himself with his bag being held by what appeared to be a single finger. Mikey sighed and looked at his new friend with his signature 'what the fuck are you doing you idiot' look before setting his bag down and helping Pete readjust his own.

"C'mon Wentz, let's try to make it to the side of the road without you losing your shit." Mikey smiled and grabbed his own bag off the ground, walking over to the side and waving an arm out for a cab. At least three cabs passed him without even stopping before he let out a small noise of exasperation.

Pete laughed.

"Gotta problem?" Miley glared at him.

"Yes. None of these jackass cabbies will stop." He pushed his glasses up his nose and growled in annoyance.

"Watch and learn, vigilante." Pete took a step into the road after setting his bag and case down, letting out a whistle louder than Mikey though was possible and waving his hand in front of a cab who came to a quick stop in front of them.

Pee turned to Mikey and opened the cab door, holding open for the taller boy.

"After you, your highness." Pete slung his bag over his shoulder and grabbed his case, putting them into the trunk. Mikey made his way over to the cab, slightly annoyed and slightly impressed. He handed his bag to Pete to put in the trunk, giving the cabbie the address of the place to meet George Ross as Pete shut the trunk and slid into the seat next to Mikey.

"How impressive was that, mikeyway?" Pete smirked as the cabbie pulled into the lane and started beeping his horn at other cars.

Mikey snorted.

"Very. Never seen someone call a cab as smoothly as that. Ten out of ten, Wentz. Ten out of ten." Pete laughed, a lovely sound that made Mikey's life seem less shit.

"I appreciate the sarcasm. Really boosts my ego." Pete snickered. Mikey laughed along with him as the cabbie pulled in front of a seedy-looking bar/crackhouse that looked like it hadn't been washed since the seventies.

"This the place?" Pete whispered to Mikey, whom nodded after noticing the sign with the address Gerard had given him. He paid the cabbie with some money from his bag, and helped Pete grab the stuff from the trunk. Not even a minute after they had gotten their stuff, the cabbie peeled out of the snowy parking lot and back down the street, leaving the two boys standing in front of the crackhouse.

"Let's see if we get murdered when we go in, shall we?" Pete said, walking up to the entrance and knocking.

"Pete don't knock-" Mikey whisper-shouted just as the door was opened by a tall man who was covered in tattoos and looked like he could kill someone with a single finger.

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