Chapter 3

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Newt's pov

He kissed me and I liked it. In the morning. I wake up early and go help frypan cook breakfast. I smile at the thought of Tommy's lips on mine. Frypan looks at me and stops cooking. "Why are you smiling? You never smile." He says. "It's nothing." I say without looking at him. "Does Newt have a crush?" He jokes. I nudge him. All the Gladers know I'm gay and we joke about it a lot but Gally doesn't.

After breakfast I look for Tommy. He stands talking to Minho. I jog up to them. "Hey." I say. Minho looks at me."Hey." He responds. "I'm taking Thomas into the maze with me and Alby made him a runner so I'm going to Section two today." He smiles. I walk with them to the the doors and when we get there Tommy stops me. "What..." I don't get to finish because kisses me passionately. When he pulls away Minho starts complaining. "Love birds can you hurry up?" He says.

They run off into the maze and I walk back. I go and chop wood. After lunch Chuck comes and takes a price of wood. "What you going to make this time?" I ask. Chuck makes small sculptures of stuff out of wood. "A tree." He says. He starts carving the top and I decide to take a break.
~time skip~

It's almost dark and Minho and Thomas aren't back. We all start to gather at the doors. We keep checking the watches Gally made. The gates start to close. "They are going to be stuck in there." Chuck worries. Just then Tommy and Minho coming rushing around the corner. Everyone starts yelling and encouraging them. Everything slows down and Tommy trips a bit slowing him down. It doesn'to matter cause they weren't going to make it. I mouth 'I love you' as the doors shut leaving Minho and Tommy, My Tommy in the maze. I tear slips out and I fall to the ground. I punch the wall as tears fall from my eyes. We should've told them. He wouldn't have made you go. Why do we have to be a secret? Will I ever get to kiss you again? All this comes rushing at me as I realize I won't get him back. Chuck whispers 'are you alright' as I cry. "I have to be. Besides,nothing I can do. No one survives a night in the maze." I get up and walk to my tent.

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