Chapter One: Alpha

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Hux PoV

That was my partner? I snorted as I got into my ship and ran the preflight checks. Snoke had said that he would be different than what I was used to, but that mildly insolent, relatively dense mystic was not someone I would want to work with.

What's more, I wondered what was beneath his mask. Perhaps battle scars. I doubted it, though. He did not seem the type who had been beaten and broken. He seemed more like just another person drawn to the power of the First Order. The only difference was that he had the same powers that Snoke had, thus he had gained the attention of his betters.

I was not going to stand for it. I would show that "Kylo Ren" who was the real commander and who had just gotten where he was by good fortune in his genetics.

My ship ascended into the heavens and I prepared to make the jump to light speed. As I flicked the various switches and dials required to make the leap, I mulled over my new "partner".

He seemed to take personal offense at my lack of awe that I showed regarding the Force. He would have to get used to me. I was not leaving, nor would I change my methods for him. I did not believe that he had even killed Jedi.

On the other hand, perhaps he had. Supreme Leader Snoke would not cause him to waste his time on someone who was a fraud and pretending to be some great power. Something about Kylo had to actually be an indicator of his skill.


Starkiller Base

Upon arrival I walked through the in progress base. We were preparing the ultimate weapon to destroy the Republic. Despite my men's skill, however, it would be a few years until completion. This time would not be wasted, however. We would gain power through intimidation of the Republic regime. We would conquer planets and wipe out those who supported the Jedi and the Republic.

"General?" I recognized the cold, near robotic tones of Captain Phasma, an elite stormtroopers captain.

"Hello, Captain. I'm back. How have things been going with the base?" I looked at her, awaiting a response.

"It's going well. The main power reactor is complete and we are working on the generators which power the planet. The troopers are also undergoing training. Two troopers have stood out to me."

"Which ones? I might consider having them cross trained for command or made into elite troops." I walked with her to where some troops were being housed within the base.

This area was completed. Boasting shining durasteel walls, fully functional electricity and power, and heating, the trooper barracks were being well cared for.

I would have expected nothing less. These cadets and troopers in training were the backbone and lifeblood of the First Order. Trained from birth to be singularly loyal, they were the best soldiers in the galaxy. They deserved to be well cared for.

"Right this way, General," Phasma directed me to a training area where two troopers were sparring with electro staffs.
"FN-2187 and FN-2199. They are the same age, raised in the same squad. Similar skillsets, and their personalities have been well molded into the First Order."

"I'll keep an eye on them, Captain." I looked at a timepiece above the training room. "It's time for me to be going. I'm due to meet with the Supreme Leader and our new 'compatriot', Kylo Ren."

"General." She saluted smartly to me, then walked away, presumably to supervise some trooper training or battle simulations.

I walked to the massive room where I had a few times communicated with the hologram of  the Supreme Leader. Ren was already there. I could hear the loud, slightly annoying rasp of his breathing, due to his helmet.

"General Hux, how good of you to join us." Supreme Leader Snoke gazed down at me. "I assume you have already met your compatriot?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader," I replied. "I have."

"Good. I need you both to work together on this. We will complete this base. We will find Skywalker, and we will bring an end to this galactic resistance that so troubles us." His words were simple yet empowered.

"Of course, Supreme Leader. I will do my part," I replied "but I can only do so much. Your new apprentice will need to assist me."

"Do you doubt my abilities, General?" Kylo Ren turned towards me. I met his gaze. I would not be intimidated by this masked man.

"I doubt everyone's abilities until I see proof that they are worthy of my personal respect." I responded coolly. "Words are fine. What is better, however, are actions. And from you, I have seen nothing."

Suddenly, it was like I was being drawn to him. My body flew towards his and was suspended in the air. He really can use the Force. I realized.

"Do you still doubt me?" He demanded. I heard the unmistakable sound of a lightsaber being ignited, and I saw the crimson blade leveled at my throat.

"I can see you lack emotional control." I retorted, endeavoring not to come across as scared or angered. "The smallest amount of doubt in your capabilities seems to be enough for you to try to kill me."

I felt my body drop to the ground. I stood quickly, and I flattened out my uniform and stood at stiff attention, one hand on my blaster pistol.

"Put your arguments aside. You must unite to defeat the Resistance and find the map to Skywalker. Do not incur my wrath. Dismissed." Snoke's voice echoed through the room and I felt a small amount of anger towards the Supreme Leader. He had done nothing.

"Of course, Supreme Leader," I replied stiffly. "As you command." I turned on my heel and walked out of the room.

This was going to be interesting. I looked forward to putting Kylo Ren in his place. I had no doubt that I would be able to do so.

Taking Command Book 1 (Kylux) (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now