Chapter 9 ~ Introduction to Demonology

Start from the beginning

The three girls strutted to their seats and started doing their nails. ''This is a lesson you know,'' you deadpanned.

Without looking up from their hands; Kairi spoke up, ''And? Your 15 and can't tell us what to do.''

Your eye twitched. Shaking it off, you thought of something mean. ''Whatever. Umm, Vaan. Can you create 'that' spell again. You know, that advanced spell that glowed orange?'' you winked but kept your movements subtle as not to alert the girls.

It took him a few seconds, but he caught on along with the other in the class. With that; Vaan walked over to meet Axel and Zexion. So it was them who came up with the spell. The others around them pitched in quietly, helping the three boys to create the spell. After a few moments, they had created it again. Axel pointed to the three girls, you replied by smiling and turning your head; though making sure to look at them through the corner of your eyes.

Grinning, Axel and Vaan gave the spell to Zexion who in turn finished it by adding the final symbols and setting it off. He lightly threw it to the unsuspecting girls; allowing the tentacle like things to grab onto them. They squealed, falling to the ground and knocking over all the chairs. They ripped it off and ran out the class screaming. Resulting in you and your class all laughing.

Through the door, Dire peaked in; wondering what on earth had happened. Grinning, you told him what had happened when he came over. His eyes seemed to light up and he licked you; telling you that he was happy. If he was human, he probably would have laughed.

Giggling slightly, they went and sat back down. ''Okay okay, calm down. Time for Demonology,'' you said still grinning.

That earned groans from all your class; it seemed they though they wouldn't have to do work. Even if you partly didn't want to teach, you was hired to be a teacher. ''Aww, come on teach. Just when we thought you was going to be fun,'' groaned Zack.

''Please, it's our first lesson,'' pleaded Sora.

''Nope, and it's not that bad. I just want to know what you know. Then I'll know what to teach,'' you stated.

''Well... our past teachers didn't actually teach anything,'' drawled Selphie. 

''Are you telling me you know nothing when it comes to Demonology?'' you deadpanned.

''Not exactly. We know the basics like a monster's weakness and it's species. But when it comes to how a monster fights and what attacks work best, we don't know,'' said Zexion, but you could see that he didn't like the fact.

''Yeah right! You know all that Zexion, as well as Genesis and Angeal. It's the rest of us that don't know,'' Rikku protested. It kinda confused you since it seemed as though Rikku was degrading herself.

''Ah, well with that out the way, I need some help. If I'm correct, everything in the supply room behind me is ordered, so that each lesson has it's own section right?'' you asked and your class nodded. ''Well then, can... Angeal, Genesis, Seifer, Terra, Zack and Riku go in there and get out everything to do with Demonology. The rest of you, can you go in the surrounding cupboards and also take everything out to do with Demonology. Then put it the middle so we can sort it,'' you said.

With that, everyone in the class went to do what they was supposed to. You helped a little by making all the tables and chairs stack up at the very end of the classroom. Using the illusion powder Tomoyo gave you of course. Therefore making it look like wind magic had done it and not shadows.

As you cast the spell, you noticed that Zexion put his hand to his head; as though he had a headache. You saw Saix ask him if he was alright, but Zexion shrugged it off. When Zexion came over to put a pile of text books down, you asked him, ''Are you alright?''

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