14...(3feet of the ground) *mine*

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She wants to fly, not to high, only 3 feet off the ground. She cant breathe; she's flying now, not to high only 3 feet off the ground.

Look mom! Look at you child! The one who loved you! She thought you wouldn't care. You should have loved her too, but now you can love her hanging 3 feet off the ground.

Look daddy! Please don't go! She loved you, you said you loved her too! She's very sorry, they made her hang 3 feet off the ground.

Look sister! Look brother! She's dead now. She loved you. This is what death looks like, well suicide, you thought she was kidding, you thought that this was just a faze. But know you can see her 'faze' or her 'kidding' hanging 3 feet off the ground.

Look teachers! Can you not see what you and you students did to her! She knows that you saw everything, all her peers bring her down even more than she was and you telling her to quit this 'act'. Well now do you think its just an 'act'. She would love if you can watch her 'act' like she's dead, hanging 3 feet off the ground.

Look friends! You cared too, and she tried to push herself away from you. You are the best friends anyone can ever have. She's very sorry she did this to you. Please don't follow her on this too. She loved you. She knows you love her too, especially when she smiled. Now, you can watch her smiling hanging 3 feet off the ground.

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