Brenda's story. 1

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knowing everything.
"the story is told by an omniscient narrator"
synonyms:    all-knowing, all-wise, all-seeing
"he thought I was some kind of omniscient guru"

Brooklyn 1974

"You heard that Joe?" Anthony smirked at his long time drug addicted friend. "This lil hoe talm' bout' she pregnant." He than gazed at Brenda with his hazy red eyes. The three sat in Joe's filthy apartment. Colt 45 cans , cigarettes, and used condoms littered the floor. A single warn out twin sized mattress sat in the living room of the dorm sized apartment.

"Pregnant?" Joe laughed a hearty dry laugh. "That lil bitch probably ain't even had er' period yet talm' bout pregnant." Joe foolishly spoke about something he wasn't aware of. Brenda had in fact had her first period two years ago on her 14th birthday but she stopped receiving what some would consider her monthly 'gift' a few months ago and the only logical explanation behind that could be a baby, or worse.

Brenda just stood there embarrassed as they went back and forth about her body and what went in and out of it. They spoke about her as if she was property and not a human being. This wasn't anything new to her though. As soon as her hips began to widen and her breast filled out her Aunt knew she could profit off of her nieces assets.

Brenda was basically her TT's slave. Her aunt, Elise would take her on trips to the "Candy Store" which was just code for Elise to drag her down to the local motel 6 and allow men to do the unimaginable to the preteen for just a small fee. Brenda had witness more sex and drugs than the average twelve year old girl but she still managed to keep her spirits high and that's what her TT envied about her.

Andrew frequently hung out near the "Candy Store" with a couple of friends before he was exposed to cocaine and He wound look after little Brenda when she would have to sleep in the lobby because her aunt was somewhere passed out on drugs. The two quickly built a friendship and once he caught on to what was being done to Brenda he knew he had to stop it.

"Yo,You ate today?" Andrew asked as he watched Brenda scarf down the burger and wedge cut fries that he retrieved for her.

It was forty three degrees outside and Andrew found Brenda sitting alone outside of motel 6. The the front desk attendant had kicked her out a few hours prior to him finding her because she was stealing breakfast cereal. The last time Brenda had even eaten was a couple of nights ago when one the man that paid Elise for a night with Brenda bought her a happy meal to make her feel comfortable around him. Her aunt was of course no where to be found and Brenda was dressed like it was June twenty second.

Andrew immediately gave Brenda the Wool Pea Coat off his back and took her to the closest dinner because by the sound of her stomach he knew she hadn't ate. Andrew always made sure Brenda was okay when he could because had a soft spot for Brenda. She was innocent and didn't deserve what she was going through, no one deserved what she was going through.

"Mmhmm." Brenda lied averting from Andrew's eye contact he knew and she knew he knew when she was lying. Andrew had caught her in many lies about her well being before and she was well  aware of how upset her fibs would make him.

"Don't lie to me." He reached across the table and roughly grabbed her face, but he released it as quick as he grabbed it. He could tell he had frightened her but he didn't understand why she was defending someone who was bringing harm to her. "Look." He cleared his throat. "You don't have to lie to me, I won't hurt you okay?" He soften his tone.

Brenda nodded immediately losing her appetite. Every person that told her they wouldn't hurt her always did. When her aunt took her in after her mom decided she didn't want to be a mother anymore, her aunt promised she wouldn't hurt her but she did. Before the man that first took her innocence raped her he promised he wouldn't hurt her but he did. No one kept their word in Brenda's life. "Can you take me home?" Brenda found it difficult to swallow her food. She didn't want to give Andrew the chance to hurt her like everyone else.

"You wanna go home?" Andrew cleared his throat he wasn't sure of what he had done wrong. He thought that Brenda would rather hangout with him no strings attached than be pimped out by her aunt.

Brenda nodded and her frown signaled that she was uncomfortable and Andrew didn't her to feel uncomfortable.

"Okay let's go." The both of them slid from the booth.

The cold air violated them as soon as they stepped out. "You want your coat back?" Brenda asked when she noticed Andrew shivering. Brenda thought what Andrew did for her was thoughtful, but anytime someone did something for her they expected something in return.

"You cold ain't you?" Andrew questioned. He could tell Brenda was used to being taken advantage of and he was determined to change that.

Brenda nodded because she was indeed cold. She had on a tank top and a pair of hand me down denim capris. She probably would have froze to death if Andrew hadn't found her.

"Aight den'."

Brenda was devastated that the man she loved was treating her like this but it wasn't something that she isn't used to. Whenever Andrew is around his drug buddies, or is high the charming man that drew her in disappears into a verbally and physically abusive being.

"How about we beat the lil thing up out of her." She heard Joe suggest bring her back to reality. Anthony had once passed out while him and Brenda chilled at Joe's place and Joe took that as an opportunity to have sexual relations with Brenda he knew that the 'baby' could possibly be his. Joe wasn't going to risk going to jail for statutory rape for some young 'skank', as he frequently called her. Joe believes Brenda is a fast tail girl and that she deserved what was coming to her.

"You think that'll work?" Anthony actually considered it.

Anthony was what people would consider a pushover he was easily manipulated and everyone knew it. Being the middle child of a wealthy family left a void that he attempted to satisfy with drugs. The moment Joe met the "White Boy", what he would sometimes call Anthony, he knew that he had found a sucker.

"Hell yea but it's gone cost ya." Joe evilly smirked. He frequently finessed cocaine and money out of Anthony and he knew this would be an easy way to.

They discussed how they would harm Brenda like she wasn't right in front them, hell they didn't care if she heard them or not she was "going to get what she deserved." , as Joe said , as soon as Anthony is able to get a hold of enough cocaine to pay Joe for it.

Brenda wasn't scared , she was a brave girl , she'd been beaten and sexual abused many times before. She just prayed that she wasn't bringing a baby into this cruel world.

This book was inspired by Tupac's spng Brenda's baby and will closely follow the lyrics of that song.

Brenda's got a babyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ