Sexuality and BESTIE #1

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Fuck you.

If you're one, I am sorry for what I just said. But seriously, I have my reasons.

Anyway, I have a cute little story to share w/ you.

Yesterday, my friend Melia and I were texting during Algebra 1. (We were allowed to) She told me that she had a crush, and I told her that I had one. I had decided months ago that I was gay, and hadn't told anybody but my family. At the time, Melia thought that a boy named Noah was my crush, and when I claimed that he wasn't, she wouldn't let it go. (She was teasing, ya'll) I let it slip that my crush was, in fact, of the feminine gender.

I am also of the feminine gender. I was horrified by what I had accidentally texted her. I wasn't focused and was bent on proving her incorrect. Melia looked at me, her jaw practically touching her phone. Her eyes were wide and she texted me back the following: Are you kidding me right now?

I replied with a simple: No.

We had to end the messaging there, for the bell had rung. We had math last period, so we're were free to leave.

Melia and I conveniently ride the same bus, so we chatted on the way there. She was grinning all the way to the bus. She told me that she supported my decision as a homosexual and would continue doing so.

She is my best friend, Melia. That's one of the reasons why.

After that, she kept asking me about my crush. I told her of course, through iMessage. The conversation went a little like this:

Melia - Bold
Leah (Me) - Italics

Hey girly

Tell me ur crush!!

Fine, but only if u tell me urs

Duck you. You first

I have taken a liking to Belle

WTF really?!

Yes. Since the beginning of the school year.

And so we exchanged crush names and today, we began scoping out cute girls and boys.

The downside is, I'm afraid. Gays around here are usually bullied. Believe me, I know. One of my older friends left my school because the bullying had gotten out of hand, and our school was doing absolutely nothing to stop it. Homophobes are the source. The day after he left, I saw the word 'Fag!' written on a post-it on his locker. I took it off, of course, and threw it away.

That was one of the reasons why I refused to tell any of my friends. I was worried whether or not they would let it slip. Melia, I trusted, and she has been extremely supportive of me.

My story about my guy friend who left is one of the many reasons why I hate homophobes. He left because of them. Many people have been killed because of people like them. Innocent human beings murdered for loving.

Homosexuality makes me think of the Bible. I'm not a believer in God. Never will be. This a rant for another time.

I'll see you #SOON, hopefully.


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