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Interview  of ChixWithStix33 aka Victoria Springs about her story 7 Suicidal Videos

Q1. Where did you get the idea for your story?

 I was trying to go to sleep and the idea came to me, then I couldn't get to sleep so I wrote it down.  I thought of it in December 2010 so I had this idea for a while

Q2. Will your main character Sierra Anderson show the 7 people a video of her committing suicide or not?

I really don't know.  I don't have an exact story line down, I have a basic one but it is constantly being edited.  The people who comment have really good ideas, I use some of them.

Q3. Have you based any of your characters on real people? (For example do you know someone that is really like Spencer or Ryder or Vivienne?)

 Sorta, I didn't have the Ryder, but my bestfriend did.  From what she told me, I tried to work it into my point of view.  Then a Spencer, at one point, I was her, so I could get a really good understanding.  I never had a david, because both of my parents are together.

Q4. Because of school starting in a few days how regular will your updates be?

Whenever I can, I mean, for me school comes before a lot of things, writing is one of them.  But I'll make it work.  I don't think I will have time everyday, but atleast once a week.

Q5. What will happen once she has killed everyone?

I am not sure yet, I know she's going to kill someone, for sure. 

Q6. Was what happened to Spencer a dream or not, if it wasn’t then is she dead or not?

Spencer's dream in chapter 14 was just a dream.  She isn't dead... yet ;P

Q7. Will the door lead them into a trap or a way to escape?

Not sure, that's what I was thinking after the chapter was finished.

Q8. If Spencer isn’t dead then who will die first?

 Still no idea, I have a pretty good idea, but that takes away the whole element of suprise right!

Q9. A story like this can only last so long, so have you planned on roughly how many chapters there will be?

Quite a few, they just got in the warehouse,  So they I want to have a lot happen in there.

Q10. After this story is finished will you be writing another Paranormal/Thriller story?

Yes, I don't really like paranormal-thrillers to read, but they are suprisingly fun to write.  So I can say that I am for sure doing another Thriller, but it may by a little more action then paranormal.

Thanks for interviewing me!

Victoria Springs xD

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