chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

Naomi pov

We walked until we were at a classroom “l’ll go in and introduce you 2 and then l’ll call you in” ______- sensei said 

~~~~ 5 min later~~~~

“You can come in now” said ______-sensei said “KAYYYY” screamed the girls “AHHHH” screamed the boys “the girl’s so hot” said a boys “ahh the boy is so hot and cute” whisper a girl to another “Alright you two Introduce your self’s” _____-sensei said 

“Ryoma Echizen age 12 birthday december 24 l like to play tennis  this is my best friend Naomi don’t mess with her dozo yorloshiku” Royma said in a bored but blunt voice “Kaaayyy his voice is so hot” said the girls dreamily  “Ah my name is Naomi akin best friend Ryoma my skills are : tennis ,judo,karate,acrobatics and l love chocolate age 12 like ryoma said don’t mess with me” l said “Ahhh she’s a goddess” whispered the boys “well thats it Echizen and akin-san please sit at the back conner on your right” sensei said “Hai” Ryoma and l said we walked to our chosen desks and sat down 

“Hai so today we will be learning...................................Blah blah blah”

~~~~~~ skip to lunch~~~~~~~ 

Ryoma and l were walking to the tennis courts when “hey!!!!!”

“Echizen-san Akin-san wait for me” yelled someone “we turned around to see a boy running to us “hi huff my puff is Satoshi Horio ohh are you going to the tennis courts?” he asked pointing to our tennis bag’s “yes” l said “well you should know that l have a two years of tennis experience” he boosted talking to himself 

Ryoma and l walked away “ahh hey echizen-san akin-san” horio said running to catch up to us when “oof” he said running into someone we all looked up to see a tall guy “woah are you alright” the tall person said cheerfully “ah yes” said horio bowing to the guy ryoma and l began walking away when “wait what are your name’s?” the tall guy said “l don’t wanna tell you” said royma “well your gonna have to cause l’m your sempai” the guy said “che Ryoma echizen” Ryoma said the tall guy looked at me l hmphed and said “it is common greeting to state your name first before l give mine out” and smirked at ryoma who didn’t think of saying that in return he gave me a playful scowl “ah hahaha you got me there my name is ‘Takeshi Momoshiro’ “ he said ‘but you an call me ‘Momo-sempai’ he said again “ah no way” ryoma said and began walking to the courts “bye” l said and followed ryoma .

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