The All-White Party!!!

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Cyn POV~

It was the day of the all-white party and I was nervous because I still needed to get me and Aug's shoes from Enrique who was once again running late to our drop off spot. Aug had decided that it'll be best if I just put my stuff in the car and get ready at his house and we leave together from there. I looked in my review mirror to see Rique's car pulling up. I got out the car and met him grabbing the shoes.

"Since I'm late again they are on the house okay" he said in a panic.

"Thank you, I guess that makes up for it" I said walking back towards the car.

I got in and looked at the clock the party started at 6 and it was now 4:30, and it took 30 minutes to get to Aug's house from here. I could not be late again he going to kill me.

Arriving at Aug's house~

I ran up and knocked on the door.

"Who is it" I heard come through the intercom speaker.

"You know who the hell it is August now open the damn door" I said getting aggravated with him.

"Nah your ass was late, so you can wait and cut the attitude remember I'm your boss not the other way around".

"Aug please quit playing we already running late" I said hoping he'd stop acting like his shoe size and act his age. The door swung open and there he was in all his glory in only a towel. My eyes traveled up and down his body.

"Uh hm" he said clearing his throat. "You must like what you see"

I pushed past him entering the house and running up the stairs to his bedroom. I ran in his bathroom shutting and locking the door. He was right behind me.

"How the hell you just gon come in my house and take over my bathroom" he yelled through the door.

"Hold on, I'll be out in a minute. Go put on some lotion or something you look a little ashy" I said trying not to laugh.

"Alright, I got something for your ass" he said before I heard footsteps moving from the door.

25 minutes later-

I came out in my white skin tight dress. It had like a cut in the front that showed off my nice size breast and there were cuts on the side under my breast as well and. it was backless. It stopped a little pass my knees and hugged my hips. I added a little red lipstick and I had already curled my hair earlier so it hung in tight curls. I added my nude Christian Louboutins and my tote an I was ready to go. I walked out of the bathroom, August was standing there looking good enough to eat he had on the outfit I picked out and his gold Giuseppe's.

"You look gorgeous, shawty" he said as I walked out the bathroom, I was half waiting on him to pull a little stunt since he said he got something for me.

"Thank you, you look handsome yourself" I said returning the compliment. He just nodded his head.

"So you ready to go" he said reaching for my hand. "Yea".

"T...We riding in the range tonight. Meet us out front." he said as we came down the stairs, I was secretly trying not to sweat I was nervous to be going to such a big event beside August. He walked into the kitchen.

"We don't have time for you to be feeding your face" I said.

"I'm not feeding my face shawty... Come take a drink with me real quick" He said opening the peach Cîroc he had on the counter and pulling two glasses out the cabinet.

"I don't know I don't want to be tore up before I get there and then embarrass you" I said walking into the kitchen a little more to stand beside him. He laughed.

"Come on it'll calm all them nerves you got going on.... I can tell you nervous, just have a little drink and it will calm you" he said handing me the glass. I looked up at him and turned the cup up.

"See you feel better don't you" He said putting the cups in the sink.

"Alright shawty let's ride" He grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the car, where T was waiting for us.

30 minutes later at the White Party~

When I say everybody and they mama was at the party. I saw a lot people I know from the industry. August had a few people that he knew, we were hanging out in VIP with them. I knew Chris Brown, Tyga, and Trey Songs but the other people I didn't know he introduced them as Era his DJ, Envy, Charlemagne, and Angela Yee. He said something about they have a radio show that he always on.

"I need a drink" I whispered in his ear. He called the server over an ordered me more Cîroc. She quickly brought my drink back. Once I downed that I quickly order another. I'm not a heavy drinker but my nerves were getting the best of me and I felt I needed the liquid courage. August grabbed my thigh and gave it a tight squeeze, my panties got wet instantly.

"You okay, you downing them drinks quick. Slow down shawty" he said rubbing up and down my thigh soothingly. It actually calmed me down a little. I smiled up at him and he place his lips to my cheek.

When I turned around to face the crowd I seen something or should I say someone, I really didn't want to see.

"What's up Cyn" Erica said standing there looking at August with the stink face. She turned to me and smiled. "I didn't know you was fucking with dudes now" she looked back at August to catch his reaction to what she had just said. He didn't feed into it like I thought he would, he still had his hand on my thigh and his face held a blank expression, well more of a who the fuck is you look.

"What's up E" I said smiling at her ass to let her know just like August, I wasn't fazed by her comment. "I didn't know you could get up out them bitches pussy long enough to attend an event" I said standing up from my seat beside August and walking to the bar. I grabbed a seat and ordered my drink. After ordering my drink I felt a hand graze my lower back and then linger there.

"Why you left me hanging like that" I heard his voice close to my ear. I smiled and turned around to him.

"You must've of missed me" I said, smiling up at him.

"I guess I missed yo ass" he said. Grabbing my thighs, spreading them and stepping between them.

"How much you missed me" I said seductively, reaching under his shirt and rubbing his stomach and chest. Turning myself on more than I was turning him on, I can tell he was not feeling my drunk flirting but I continued anyway "Fuck that just show me" I said sliding my hand lower, attempting to undo his belt.

"I aint playing this game with your drunk ass, lets ride shawty" he said smiling and stepping back, pulling me towards him, and walking towards the exit.

Here's a little something for you guys, Cyn drunk and telling all her truths......Vote, Vote, Vote..... Comment, Comment, Comment....... Thanks for all the love you guys are showing me.

StacyMack~ XOXO

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