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Start from the beginning

      “Where were you!?!?!  You know what, it doesn’t matter!!!  Get in there and sing!!  I don’t have all day!!”  Gustavo shoves Logan and Carlos into the sound booth with Kendall and James.

“Is it just me, or is Gustavo in a worse mood than normal?”  Logan asks Kendall, glancing over his shoulder quickly.

“He’s been horrible!”  A sweaty Kendall tells him, trying to air his shirt.

“Yeah!  He’s had us dancing the whole time you were gone.  And let me tell you, you guys were gone WAYYY too long” An out of breath James accuses.

“Sorry” Logan apologizes,

“Carlos was having trouble.”  He whispers to James and Kendall.  There was no need, however, since Carlos was crouched with his hands covering his head.

“GUYS!!  Come on!!  Lyrics are on the table, so we’ll start with the first song.  Ready?  Let’s go!!”  Gustavo raves, sliding his headphones.

Thought tonight was our last/and I was right/but we still have the morning” The guys sing, but as the song goes on, Carlos’ voice becomes undetectable to everyone and he instead reverts to standing and staring at the microphone.

“CARLOS!!!!  What, are you brain dead?  SING!!” 

At the mention of brain dead, Carlos drops his headphones onto the floor and sprints out of the sound booth, running down the hall and flopping down onto the curb outside.  James, Kendall, and Logan follow suit, making sure their best friend is ok.

“I just don’t know what to do.  I don’t know why I feel this way or hurt this bad.  I just plain don’t know.”  Carlos mumbles to the others.

“You know we’re here for you, right?  But we don’t know what to do for you, Carlitos.  Is there anything?”  Kendall asks.

“Yeah…there is…” His hopeful eyes shine.  Five minutes later, all four of them and Bitters were headed back to the hospital.  Gustavo still thinks they’re outside, so they are going to be SO in trouble for this, but that doesn’t matter when it comes to being beside a true friend in his time of need.

I open my eyes to see a piercing light, resulting in a sharp, instantaneous headache.  My eyes glance around to see if there is anyone to help me make it stop.  I also searched for Carlos.  I didn’t really want to go this alone.  My head hurts so badly I just wanted it to stop…all of it.  I don’t care what happens.  Along with my head, my right wrist and left leg were wrapped and were excruciatingly painful.  Finally, my abdomen ached as though I had been impaled.  If only someone would tell me what’s going on.  I don’t remember what happened…how did I do this? 

      “Hurry up!!  Come on!!  Can’t you drive any faster?!”  Carlos raises his voice while leaning up front to holler in Logan’s ear.

“Carlos!!!!!!!”  The other three scream at him.

“Unless you want to get stopped by the police and take longer, than NO!”  Logan screams back at him.

“Fine…”  He mumbles like a disappointed, pouty 3 year old.

By the time they get there, Carlos looks so desperate to leave the car that Logan hadn’t even stopped the car before Carlos jumped out, running off-balanced to the ER entrance.

“How’s she doing?  You know…Chelsea?  Yeah, how?”  He interrogates, out of breath.

“Please, go sit down while I help this nice young lady here” the nurse motions to and 20-something woman standing at the other end of the desk.

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