"Oh please do, i'm cold without my fur and I really want to cuddle with you!" I pleaded, the idea of spending a night without him terrifying me. 

"-hush! There will be no cuddling!" I pouted, quieting down. He is not keeping me from my cuddles. 

"Ahem. I have to question you, to make sure you aren't some demon creature that can manipulate emotions and change form. If that's the case i'll have to dial the Winchesters, and we don't want that. Ready for the first question?" He said, staring up at me intensely. 

I nodded enthusiastically, grinning and clapping my hands. "Yes! I can do it. I know I can." 

"Mhm. First things first, take my jacket because your junk hanging out is really distracting." He slipped his coat off and handed it to me. I took it, staring at it for a second. How is this supposed to cover my-

"Oh for the love of-give me that!" He snatched it back, carefully tying the arm covers around my waist so the jacket covered my 'junk' as he put it. He faced me again, a triumphant look on his face. 

"There. Now I can look at you without my inhibitions trying to escape me." I blinked, watching as he rubbed his arms for warmth. It is quite cold. 

"Are you cold? I could warm you up oh boy do I want to warm you up please let me warm you up!" I moved closer to him, reaching out for him wanting nothing more than to take him into my arms and never let go. He scrambled to back away and made a cross shape with his fingers.

"Back! Bad boy. No touchy, not until your test is complete." I frowned, hanging my head. 

"Good. Now, what is something only the true Winter would know?" My head snapped up and I hopped in place, smiling again.

"Oh! Oh! Me, I know something only the true Winter would know!" He rolled his eyes. 

"Shush! I have to think of it, not you. Uh...oh, i've got it! What is one thing I do in my room by myself that no one else knows about?" He rattled off quickly, pointing at me. 

"Oh I know this! I do! Sometimes when you are sad you take apart your pillows and put them back together because you like the feathers and sewing them back up calms you down." I answered, grinning widely. 

"Wha-I do not do that!" He blushed, clenching his fists. He is so cute! 

"Aw! I love you so much, there's no use hiding these things from me. I know everything about you, Asher. Everything. You should keep that in mind." His arms went slack and he let his head fall back, letting out a guttural moan. 

"Oh man, it really is you, isn't it?" I literally jumped for joy, grabbing him and pulling him into my arms. The pulse between us rolled and surged, like ocean waves during a storm. I buried my face in his neck, breathing in deeply. My hands ran up his back, holding him to me. 

Bliss. Pure bliss. 

"Uh, Winter? This is nice and all, but it's about forty degrees out here, and I want to go home. I have a bout two thousand, six hundred and forty three questions for you as well." I pulled back reluctantly, pouting at him. 

"Okay. But can we cuddle?" He sighed at me, but it looked like he was trying to hide a large smile. 




When we got to the car, Sidney was leaning against it on the phone. "Yeah, just tell me if you see a big white do-oh my bleeding uterus I will call you back." She hung up the phone on sight, her jaw dropping. 

Chasing Tail (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now