Warped Tour 2013

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I went to Warped tour this year with my dad down in San Antonio, Texas on August 3rd, 2013 at the AT&T center. We got stuck in traffic so we got there about 10:45 but we had cans so we got to skip the line and got in right away. I had to look for the AP tent, BVB tent, Bowling For Soup tent and had to find out if Juliet Simms had any merch.

We walked around a bit before finding the BVB tent. We bought a $15 shirt so that i was able to meet Black Veil Brides. They gave me a wristband and I went off to the AP tent. I got a subscription and got a free AP magazine. We found out we had about three or four hours before Juliet's set so I bought a Bowling For Soup shirt and since the card swiper didnt work, I got a second free BFS shirt and I also got a wristband.

There was this barn where they usually hold the rodeo and there were HUGE fans which gave off so much air and cooled us off. We sat in there for about thiry minutes to an hour before walking around some more and returning.  I was looking on Instagram and figured out that Juliet was signing at 2:40 so we went to the keep-a-breast tent and i found out you had to have a pass so i got a pass then headed over to the Kevin Says Stage where she was going to be playing.

Andy and Juliet both were at her set and so Andy sat off to the side and all the girls were freaking out. I went to the back of the stage so I could get a good picture of him. The gir next to me yelled "ANDY!" and he looked at us and I waved and he waved and smiled back. I went back around to the crowd out front of the stage and there wern't many people so i was about three people back.

Juliet came on and started singing. She sang Black Ink Revenge, a new song, a new song she wrote for Andy, Wild Child, It's A Man's Man's Man's World and finished up with Hush because she rna out of time. She was in a boot cause I guess she hurt her ankle or something so she got off the stage and onto the riser to get to the crowd. She couldn't find her security so Andy got up, got off the stage and carried her back on. After the show, everyone crowded around the exit to try to get autographs, pictures and videos. They walked down and past us. Some girls followed while I decided to get to Juliet's signing.

There was a super long line but I got in and was feeling really hungry. My dad went to go get food and I began to freak out. I felt like I was going to throw up and like I was going to pass out so I had to sit down on the burning asphalt and wait for my dad. He finally came about twenty minutes later and I grabbed the pizza and began to eat. I was close to crying, saying I couldn't breathe and I was pouring water on myself and chugging water, just to keep myself cool. I ended up just sititng on the asphalt, close to a panic attack. My dad got a secuirty guy's attention so he let me sit on the buzznet side of the keep-a-breast tent which was in the shade. A worker got me a buzznet bandana and drenched it with cold water, setting it on my neck. I sat there and drank water, trying to calm down when my dad calledme over so I could show my pass and get back in line since my place was now in the shade.

I showed my pass and watched as Juliet took about five minutes to talk to each person and finally, it was my turn. I didn't know what to say and I was overwhelmed from the heat so I just began to cry. I hugged her and she's like "let it all out, tell me everything that's on your mind." I said "I loe you so much" and she replied with " i love you so much." and then i said it was tottally worth waiting in the heat and she kept calling me beautiful and gorgeous and she hugged me again and signed my poster and then I left, still crying. I decided to go back to the barn and cool off until BVB's signing.

My dad got in line and I sat in the insidious tent, getting out of the sun, once the line left my sight, I got up and caught up to my dad, right in time to get a HUGE BVB poster for them to sign. About five people let us get in front cause they were there for Kellin. As I was in line, SWS started to play so I could hear and see them from the line. Finally, it was my turn and I walked into the Trojan inflatable and I had to wait again before going down the hallway and up to BVB. I handed my poster to CC, told him that my friend loved him and he said that he says hi. I went down the line and when I got to Andy, he smiled and mouthed thank you at me and then I left. I decided to skip the SWS show and went back to the barn to cool off again. 

When it was time to go to the Bowling For Soup show, I went over there and waited until they finally came out. They played Girls All The Bad Guys Want, High School Never Ends, Ohio (Come Back To Texas), The Phineas and Ferb them song, Stacy's Mom (Originally by Fountains Of Wayne) and ended with 1985. They made a couple of dirty jokes and made the show fun and entertaining. They played another song that I can't quite remember the name off.

I sat down while all the BVB fans filed in, waiting for BVB to come on stage. They finally came on and played I Am Bulletproof, Shadows Die (which is my favorite), Wretched and Divine, Rebel Yell, Fallen Angels and ended with In The End. I even caught my dad singing along to In The End. Andy called oht a hater between Shadows Die and Wretched and Divine. After BVB played, I got in the car and went on the two hour drive home.

Warped Tour 2013Where stories live. Discover now