Chapter 6

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Oh my god... i didn't think people would like this fanfic.. so i stopped, but i guess i'm continuing it now haha. It might be a short chapter, sorry.


Your POV

I look around his room as he's starting the game. There was posters of this game everywhere. He must really like it.. "[Y/N]! LOOK!" Eren screams at me, all excited. I look at the t.v. the game is strating and theres an interesting song playing in the background. I wonder its in what language.. but i like it. I smile at Eren and ask "How do you play this game?...". He explained to me the controles as we begin to play. The game is so cool!

After a few hours of playing, i start yawning a lot. Im really tired. I look at the clock. '1:36am' my eyes widen. "Oh god, i have to go!" I panicked, standing up. I had to get back home at at least 12pm... "What.. why?" He asked. "Because.. i dont want my parents to worry!" I replied. "You can sleep over., i know you like quite far.. and its dark outside.. just text your parents you sleep over tonight."he proposed. I nodded slowly,  taking my phone and sitting back in the bed. "Its done.." i say. Eren smiled at me. 

Eren POV

" you must be tired.. do you want to sleep? Ill make you tea or hot chocolatebefore you go to bed. Well, if you want" i said, really wanting her to be comfortable here. "Sure! I would like [tea/hot choco], please.." she said in a sleepy voice. "Get comfy in my bed.. ill sleep on the couch.." i say, sighing a bit. "Well.. you can sleep with me.. its your bed after all, and your bed is huge! We'll have our side.." she says..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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