The Drinking Games

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I woke to Stefan rubbing my arm up and down and calling my name. I rubbed my eyes and assessed him. He was now clean with new clothes and no sign that he had just killed two innocent girls. But I could see past the façade in his eyes and saw that his roots were breaking. Snapping under pressure. Everything that kept him stable. I pressed my hand against his cheek softly and that was all he needed. He let a breath out and smiled out me.

He didn't realise what I did to him. All he knew was that I had my hand  on his cheek. Unknown to him. I was giving him a little confidence and courage.

"Hey, how you feelin'?" I asked, sitting up, where I found myself in a bed in a hotel room.

"Like I just killed two people." He said bluntly.

"How are you dealing with it?"

"Not so well. But the key is to keep Klaus happy. So I won't show any emotion. Please don't stuff this up for me and make him angry." He begged.

"Where is the devil?" I asked looking around rolling my eyes.

"I can hear him coming up the stairs." He said.

"Alright well I'm going to have a shower. Okay." I said getting out of the bed and walking over to the bathroom.

I got undressed and climbed into the shower. I could hear them talking over the running water.

"Harry found him, he's just across the road." Nik said.

"And what do you want me to do when we go and see him." Stefan asked in his fake hard voice.

"Well I want you to go in there and compel everyone that whatever they see. They are not allowed to run, scream or tell anyone about what they see." Nik said.

There was silence then a door closing.

They must have left.

Once I was finished in the shower, I turned the glorious water off and climbed out.
I wrapped a towel around me and opened to bathroom door to see Nik lying of the unmade bed, with his ankles crossed and hands behind his head. I didn't flinch, or even acknowledge that he was there. All he wanted was a reaction and I wasn't going to give him one.

I opened my suitcase and pulled out a pair of black jeans and a button up red top. I got my matching bra and under wear and my makeup bag. Then walked back into the bathroom. I got changed and applied a little makeup before coming out. I put everything else away and grabbed my phone. I slipped into my black heels comfortably.

"Nicklaus what do you want?" I sighed getting annoyed from his constant stares.

He just shrugged.

"Come one let's go." He said getting up from the bed and walking out the door.

I followed him downstairs and across the road into the bar.
The stench of sweat, blood, alcohol, puke, and BO filled the room. I didn't care about what Nik was doing I just went straight to the bar and ordered 4 shots.

"What do you think you're doing?" Nik asked in an accusing tone.

"Swimming the English Channel." I said sarcastically while I took my 2nd shot, "What are you doing?" I asked giving him a look.

Before turning back to my shots. I had one left and right before I could drink it Nik took it off me and drank it.

"What is with you and attention?" I said in my shocked voice, "And stealing my alcohol." I pouted.

Nik's eyes became attached to my mouth but then he heard something and turned around.

"Look there he is." Nik said pointing at the guy that just walked in.

I will survive (Sequel to I am strong/fan-fiction to the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now