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A dumb poem dedicated to the girl that makes my heart flutter,
Meadow♥ @obsecureskies

"I'll kiss you someday,"
you always say,
I've only met you in photographs.
I caught your spark on my windshield, now we're burning bridges
Guess that's what we get for building houses out of matchsticks.

I could take this off the highway
18 hours in a car with frosted windows
I'll scratch our names in a messy heart
I've got a whole jar full of sparks to bring home to you
And to tell you- guess what? I can talk pretty too.
and now I know the girls in Minnesota aren't worth my time.
Frostbit hearts as cold as the clouds of their breath,
Cause when it's -4 and there's no one to pin against the fireplace, I see another spark in the hearth, another flame to waste,

Talk pretty to me.
Line my words in lipstick,
Breathe me in, make me dizzy.
make my head spin from another city.

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