Chapter 2- Ready For The Concert?

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I woke up& I was still so tired. I grabbed my phone on the night stand and checked the time.

12:00 pm.

Holy shit, I slept way too late! I ran downstairs, put a bagel in the toaster, and made myself a cup of tea. Someone knocked on the door. "Shit." I whispered. I was still in my pjs and looked absolutely disgusting and someone was here great. I opened the door, and too my surprise, It was Jess. "Hey girl! You didn't get my text this morning... As I can see." she giggled. I was a bit confused. What text was she talking about? "Uhhh. What are you talking about?" I was still a bit confused. "I said I'd be over an 12:00 and be ready to go shopping" She sounded really excited. "Why are we going shopping?" I laughed a little as I was STILL confused. "We are getting new clothes for the concert! Just hurry up and clean yourself up." She told me and laughed. I ran upstairs and pulled my hair down from my ponytail. I quickly put my casual eyeliner and mascara. I went to my dresser grabbed a blue blouse, high waisted shorts and black combats boots. I cleaned up pretty nice for 10 minutes. "HURRY UP!!!!" I heard Jess scream. I ran back down the stairs and out the door. We went into Hollister first and didn't really find anything we liked. I told her that I wanted to go to Zummies and get a beanie. I got a mint green coloured beanie and I went into American Eagle and got a mint green coloured shirt. I figured I would just wear the shorts I was wearing now. We were running out of time. We bolted into wet seal. I grabbed a pair of soft nude wedges a spiked necklace and bracelet to match and left. I'm pretty sure we got everything we needed.

(Lizzy's Mall Outfit-

4:37 pm.

How could I let time pass me by?! It was strange. I still had 2 1/2 hours till I had to go to Jess's. I thought I would kill sometime and look The Wanted up, one last time. I grabbed my MacBookPro and went on Wikipedia. I wanted to get the name off of the one cute boy. His name was Nathan... Nathan Sykes. Nathan James Sykes. He was 20 years old. Not that bad in age. 3 years. Not too bad. Then I had a flashback. If Jess was 6 and that boy was 10 when we met, And we're 17 and he's 20 now... And his last name is Sykes and so is Jess's. woahhh. Thats her brother. Thats why she left and went to England&didn't tell me! It all makes sense now! I totally feel like a detective right now. I just figured that all out. Wow. The one thing that hurt me most was why didn't she tell me? I just forgot about it and sit some more research. I didn't realise how much time I wasted but I was on the internet for another 1 1/2 hours.

6:30 pm.

I turned on my curling iron and grabbed my shopping bags from earlier and put my clothes on I bought. I grabbed my Sephora makeup palette out of my backpack and put on a white eyeshadow. I ran into the bathroom searching for a tube of mascara and eyeliner. When I found then I quickly put on my typical black eyeliner and then mascara. I looked to the left of me and realized I forgot that my curling iron was on. I cursed. It was already 7:00 pm and I had to be at Jess's at 7:00 pm. I hurried and quickly curled my hair. I got done at about 7:30 pm. It doesn't hurt to be a bit late! Oops! I hurried so she wouldn't get angry because the Concert is at 8:30. I went downstairs and walked myself over to Jess's house. I was actually very excited to meet Nathan.

(Lizzy's Outfit for the concert-

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Soooo... What do you think? Good? Bad? Please comment and support me! The next chapter is going to be Jess's POV and then the next LIZZY's then Nathan's!

Question of the day- what's you favorite tv show?

My answer- Dexter! (No not Dexter's Laboratory!!)


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