Checking Up On Aoshi Shinnomori

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Karou, Sano, Yahiko, and Misao got out of the carriage. Misao was biting her lip, and holding Karou's hand. They arrived at the hospital.

They were escorted in by a doctor in a white kimono, the group passed a few rooms, finally reaching a room, with a white cloth hanging from the door. "You can go in one at a time, he already has one visitor who refuses to leave, or I would allow two in at a time." the doctor said.

"Misao, do you want to go on first?" Karou asked. Misao nodded, and pushed the white cloth aside.

"Aoshi?" she said, there was a bed, with a figure in it, and a kimono... but it was not Aoshi Shinnomori... "Oh no!" She said, covering her mouth with both hands. "Misao" a deep voice said from behind her, it was Aoshi, and he looked perfectly fine... but the person in the bed...

She turned once again to the bed, and burst into tears. "How did this happen?" she sobbed, collapsing to the ground. On her knees gripping the floor. Aoshi, put his hand on Misao's shoulder.

"Why did they say it was you Aoshi? Why did they lie to me? Karou is going to be so upset!" Misao said.

"Miss Misao, don't worry about me," the figure in the bed said. "But... Kenshin... you were... how?" Misao asked. "I ran into someone who hates me, I ended up beating him, but Aoshi saw I was badly injured. I passed out in Cherry Babies, and they took me to this new hospital." Kenshin replied, wincing as he sat up.

"Himura, I wouldn't suggest sitting up, your stitches may come out..." Aoshi said. "Stitches?" Misao asked in shock. "never mind Misao..." Kenshin said. The doctor poked his head in. "Time for the next visitor, Misao" he said.

Misao nodded, and looked at Kenshin again.

She walked out of the room, her head down/ "Misao, is he okay?" Karou asked. Misao nodded crossing her arms and walking away.

"Can you go check on her? I'm gonna go see what damage was caused" Karou said. Sano nodded. Karou walked into the room, she froze in shock. "Kenshin! What the hell?!" She said, she fell to the side of the bed, gripping Kenshin's hand.

"Miss Karou..." He said, he smiled, "No! Don't give me your sweet smile! I want to know what happened! Now Himura now!" She said. Kenshin looked at her and sighed. "I ran into her brother... he broke his sword against the back of my neck and stabbed me in the shoulder..." He answered. Karou broke down into tears.

"No Karou, please don't cry, I am fine... it's just a few stitches! Please don't cry" Kenshin said, trying to sit up. "Kenshin, you told me not to worry, but I did, I worried a lot... I knew that Tomoe's grave was here, and I knew there were bad memories... I didn't want you to go... but I trusted you! I love you Kenshin, and I hate to see you in pain!" She said, tears streamed down her face.

Kenshin reached up, and stroked Karou's cheek with one hand and brushed through her hair with the other. "Karou I didn't know that this would happen... or I would have brought Sano along. I am sorry Miss Karou." He said softly.

"Would you stop calling me Miss Karou?! I am your wife... not your master..." Karou said, Kenshin nodded, a little shocked.

"Karou, time for the next visitor..." the doctor said. Kenshin grabbed her neck, pulling her down, and kissing her. "Tell Sano to see me." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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