Part Twenty-Two

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Becs's POV

I swear I fell asleep in a car; this is too comfy to be a car. Stefan must have moved me. I slowly opened my eyes; I still feel really weak. I haven't had any blood yet.

"Becs," A voice said, it sounded full of concern. I opened my eyes more to see Damon sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Damon," I whispered.

"Hi, you need to drink this." He said passing me a glass of blood.

"Thank you," I smiled taking the glass.

"I'll be back in a second; I'll go get you a bag." He laughed and I looked down at the glass realising I had finished it already.

"Becs, you're awake." Stefan smiled walking in.

"Hey, Stefan, what's the time?" I asked.

"Erm... three-thirty, I've just got back from school. Damon has been sat here since yesterday; he didn't want to leave you." He smiled.

"Really, three-thirty hmm... are Jeremy and Elena okay?" I asked.

"They are fine; Jeremy's been worried about you." He sat at the end of my bed.

"Here you go," Damon smiled handing me a blood bag.

"Thank you; and thank you for staying with me." I hugged him.

"It's okay..." He hugged me back then pulled away. "Now drink."

"Okay," I laughed and took the bag he handed me. Damon went out after I was better, said he had things to do, whatever that meant.

"Hey, I'm going out do you want me to drop you off at Jeremy's?" Stefan asked poking his head around my door.

"Yes, I'll be down in a minute." I smiled.

"Okay, I'll be in the car." I picked up my phone and put it in my pocket. Then I ran out to the car.

"Becs," Elena smiled, when she opened the door.

"Hey Elena," I smiled as she hugged me.

"I was so worried when Stefan told me what happened after we left, and then you weren't at school today..." She trailed off. "Come in. Jeremy, Becs's here!"

Jeremy came downstairs and hugged me. "I'll leave you to it." Elena smiled and walked into her bedroom.

"I was so worried." Jeremy muttered into my hair.

"I'm fine, honestly, what about you; how's your neck?" I smiled as we walked up to his bedroom.

"Oh, it's fine now; see just a scar." He showed me his neck.

"Do you want me to get rid of the scar?" I asked.

"You can do that?" He asked.

"Yes, so do you want me to?" I smiled.

"Sure," He smiled back.

"You're going to have to drink my blood," I said. He just nodded and I bit into my wrist. I lifted my arm to his mouth and he drank some of my blood. When I pulled my wrist away from him he got up off his bed and looked into his mirror, examining his neck.

"Wow," He muttered. "Thanks."

"It's okay, just please don't die, I do not want another vampire problem," I laughed, "So what do you want to do now?" I asked as he sat back next to me on his bed.

"Well, I've been wanting to do this all day," He smirked and pulled me into a kiss.

We were suddenly on his bed; I was straddling him and he was pulling off my shirt. I pulled off his and suddenly felt my eyes shifting. I rolled off him to his side then sat so he couldn't see my face- I didn't want him to see me like this; see me like a monster. I felt him sitting up behind me so I closed my eyes and looked down. He put his arms around my waist.

Vampire? (Vampire Diaries Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang