Part Twenty-One

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3rd Person POV

Stefan followed Vicki's scent through the wood, until he saw her weeping by the bottom of a tree.

"Why did he do this to me? I didn't ask for it, I know I haven't been the best sister, but..." She wept.

"I know, let me help you." Stefan spoke softly, and held out his hand. Vicki nodded and reached towards his outstretched hand.


An ear splitting shot erupted through the wood, sending birds scattering in all directions.

Stefan staggered backwards before dropping to the floor in pain. He was gasping for air, confusion spread across his face. Vicki could only watch in horror as Logan Fell walked up to Stefan smiling- a gun in his hand.

Logan knelt beside Stefan and pulled a stake out of his back pocket and smirked raising it above Stefan's chest. A rush of air wushed around them and suddenly Logan Fell was on the floor, his neck all bloody and bitten; Damon had taken Logan's place over Stefan- without the stake in his hand.

He pulled a wooden bullet out of Stefan's bleeding chest and showed him it. "Wooden bullets, you're going to be okay." Damon said throwing the bullet to the side.

"Why- Why did you save me, after all I did?" Stefan asked Damon.

"If anyone kills you it will be me, oh and Becs loves you and I don't want to upset her anymore." He answered plainly.

"Vicki no!" Stefan said looking over at Vicki who was bent over Logan's lifeless body, feeding off him. She looked up her mouth blood stained.

Suddenly Becs was with them. "Oh no, this shouldn't be happening! This can't be happening! Please, no, no! Please! This isn't happening!" Becs muttered over and over again, closing her eyes and falling to the floor; tears starting to stream down her cheeks.

"Becs, it's going to be alright..." Stefan whispered, walking over to her.

"No... no, no, no, this isn't happening! I'm going to wake up any minute! This is all a bad dream! Please!" She cried in to Stefan's shoulder.

"Becs..." Stefan trailed off. Becs was still muttering things under her breathe as her, Vicki, Damon and Stefan stumbled back to the house.

Damon was making sure Vicki stayed with them, whilst helping Stefan stagger back to the house; whilst Stefan was trying to talk to Becs who had stopped crying by now.

Becs's POV

How could Damon do this to Vicki, to anyone? Take their life away without a second thought, because he was bored!

I'm finding it hard to love him at the moment. I know I will never stop loving him, the same as I will never stop loving Stefan, but I just can't handle him at the moment. He stole Vicki's life from her! She didn't deserve that, no one does.

I'm in my bedroom getting changed for the Halloween party, wearing a short black and red dress with knee high black boots. I put black mascara, black eyeliner and red lipstick on- I look like a 'vampire'.

BECS: hey i'll meet you there I think stefan's taking me see you soon miss you becs x

JEREMY: k i'll see you there miss you too j x

I put the phone back on my bed side table- I'm not taking it to the party. "Stefan! Are you ready?" I shouted. He went out looking for Vicki so I wasn't sure if he was here.

Whilst I was having a shower, Damon thought it would be a great idea to show Vicki how to run fast. Then they lost her. Great! Makes it so much better. Calm down, forget about it. Not tonight, you can have fun tonight, no vampire drama.

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