Day One: The Begining

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A/N: I'm so glad that you're reading this but a bit of a warning I'm new to this and I'm sure I misspelled something or my grammar is off but all I ask of you readers is you go easy on me. This will be my second time writing this and I'm hoping it will be better. Other Than That Enjoy!

From what I hear I live in a world where you are genetically modified to be beautiful, perfect, and flawless. You are sold to the highest bidder or someone who can afford your price tag. Not everyone is the same price, you have some women that aren't worth as much in the eyes of the seller, therefore making them cheaper. The more wealthy the man is the more beautiful his partner is. The prettiest get sold first and it goes down the line until it gets to me. I have never even had anyone interested in me, they just look my way and leave. Something must have happened to me that made me different from the other girls. We don't share the same beautiful qualities that the other women in the tanks have. My hair isn't as long and silky as the other girls, my skin isn't luminous like the others. I do not have any attributes that would draw a man to me, my body is not shapely nor eye-catching. I will never be anyone's first choice. I will be stuck in this huge tank, filled with green liquid,  forever.  

Every day was the same, I would wake up to the lights being turned on accompanied by the sound of leather shoes tapping against the concrete floor.  Observing the men coming in to buy us was my only entertainment for they were my only connection to the outside world. What they looked like or what they wore was all so interesting to me. The only thing holding me back from experiencing this unknown world was my glass cage and the machines I was hooked up to. I thought about breaking the glass that trapped me but, out of fear, I never attempted it. Living this way for as long as I can remember had become tiring and worthless. If no one was going to choose me wouldn't it be better if I died? 

 He made me change my mind. When he showed up was when my life actually began. Hoffman, who curated these "showings", walked in with a new potential buyer. They walk towards my tank without glancing at the others, the new man looks at me. Before I can get a good look at him he walks away and I begin to lose hope. I can hear their footsteps growing further away and the only thought that's going through my head is that he has chosen someone else; leaving me here for another millennium. They linger by the door for about five minutes. I know it's five minutes because I counted the taps of Hoffman's shoes on the floor like the ticking of the clock hanging on the wall. Before I knew it the green liquid was being drained from my tank. I began to grow ecstatic because I was the one he had chosen.

 I have never felt oxygen flooding into my lungs the way they did at that moment. I guess this proves that looks really don't matter. As the tank drains I can hear them talking and I can start to open my eyes but hesitate. Breathing feels foreign and I feel a weight I've never felt before. I lay at the bottom of my tank curled into a ball unsure of what to do.

Hoffman and the other man standing a distance away but still where I can hear them talk. Hoffman says, "Are you sure about this Mr. Riley?"

"Of course I'm sure. I've waited ten years for this moment and I'm not going to wait any longer." He says with a soft warm voice that has a slight undertone of annoyance. His voice caught me off guard. So off guard that it took me a moment to realize the actual words coming out of his mouth. Then Hoffman started talking again, "I understand your situation and how you're feeling right now but maybe you need to think about it a little more."

"I feel as if you're insulting me now, Dr. Hoffman, I've made my decision a long time ago." This man is now standing with arms crossed against his chest making him seem bigger. I can tell his agitation is growing with the excess questions that Hoffman is asking him.

"Yes I understand that but Mr. Riley-

"I don't want to hear any more of this. I chose her, I didn't come here to change my mind!" He interrupted raising his voice. "I came here for her and I'm not leaving without her if you delay this any longer we're going to have a problem. I believe it's in your best interest that you hand her over." 

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