Pulling myself out of her gasp once again; I went back to the window. Down below I cound hear gunshots here and there but no sign if the beast is still out there. Then out of no where it popped out right in front of me.

The creature let out a loud howl that nearly busted my eardrums. Amber's scream came next and that was the loudest scream I ever heard come out of her. But I never pulled my sight away from this creature infront of me.

This creature, this wolf like creature has been carrying death where ever it go. I don't know how I've known that but I am certain. And now it is feeding on my fear.

Starting to walk backwards I never allowed it off my sight. Then a loud bang came from my back. Turning to see what it was, I saw my dad that had busted in to the room. Then before I know it, I'm already down on the floor with this monster above me.

I didn't shouted nor did I tried to strugle. This is not something that I'll need to waste any of my physical strength. Trying to think straight I allowed myself to lock eyes with the monster.

It didn't move, instead it just continued to stare at me as well. Then it started sniffing me all over my hair and my face. "Get away form her!" I hear my dad shout. But we're still locked in each other's gazes.

Then a warning bang came from my dad's gun. The creature remover its gaze at me and gave its full attention to him. Then another shot came this time it had hit the monster. Which now have let me go and started to escape through the window.

Deciding not to let go of the monster, I held on to its paws or should I say left leg. And when it had figured out that I was not letting go that easily it started dragging me with him. Then another shot came that resulted with a loud howl form this creature.

Thinking that it's the end of it, I let go of its leg then started to move away. But I was wrong for thinking it was over. The monster statted to run on its fours then jumped out the window.

Thinking that it had escape dad and I run to the window but before we reach it another shot came. This time we didn't heard a howl, instead a thud sound came signaling something had fallen.

"John, come on down. I think it's dead now." Rushing to the door dad didn't say any word. Deciding that I have to see if the creature is really dead, I came rushing down as well leaving amber behind.

Upon reaching the ground dad instructed uncle Luke to check on the body or the monster. Getting near I could almost see it's body but before I can even get any nearer uncle Luke spoke "It's still breathing."

Not being able to stop myself any longer I asked "What is it exactly?" Both heads turned and gave me a questioning look. "What are you doing here? Go back up the tree house." My dad ordered but I didn't flinched.

"Dad, you can't make me go. I have the right to know what juat happened and what is that creature. Because if you have not noticed it almost killed me." I gave my dad a tough one that I'm sure he can't further argue.

"Sorry Dani but we can't just tell you everything you ask us about. Its not yet time. Right john?" This time uncle Luke was the one who answered. But before I could even speak another voice came from behind me.

"Sorry dad but I guess its just about time you and uncle john start to tell us what all this is." Amber firmly states now without any sign of fear. Then silence fell on us while our fathers gets to have a silent discussion about our case.

I guess a few seconds or a minute had pass until the silence was broken by a loud howl from not too far. Our fathers, ever so attentive of their surroundings, moved fast looking at every posible area that it might came from. But no sign of where that howl came from.

"What was that?!" I asked and was now answered by my bestfriend. "Duh! Dani, of course it's another one of those things." She spoke while pointing on the creature's body. Turning to finally see its body I fell silent with shock registered on my face.

"Holy fuck!" I showted a little bit louder than I should. "Danita! Watch your mouth young lady." Dad still got the urge to scold me on this kind of situation. Wanting to defend myself I decided to speak up to my dad. "Dad, can you even blame me?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Uncle john, csn you even blame us? You see, we are pretty sure that that creature what ever it is is a monster. But why are we looking at a dead man's corpse?"

Amber voiced out my thoughts for me. But I need to get closer and really see for mysef if all this is real. I need proof that this stuffs are really happening. So with out a word I went straight to the body.

Standing beside my dad and just a feet away from the body I was glued to the ground and felt my knees start to fail me as I am now seated on the ground terrified at what's infront of me.

Then another set of footsteps came by my side. "Dani what-- holy!-" those where the only words that Amber was able to say because her dad cut her off. I am to laugh at her for that but given the situation, I just kept it to myself.

Gaining myself back, I took a look at the persons' face that is now here infront of us. "Oh god!" I shouted once again. But this time both our dads just gave me the look. "What?! I know him, okay. I was just shocked." I stated, defending myself.

"Well ofcourse you know him. He is from your school. Now both of you go get your things. AND stay on your cars, wait for us inside Dani's hummer." And yes, that is yet another order by my dad. Which we decided to follow since we pretty much are in trouble.

After collecting our stuffs and making sure that the treehouse is locked properly, we went back down and stayed in my car as ordered. We don't know where our dads went with the body but I'm sure they'll be back in a few and then we'll have our questions answered.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Amber broke the silence while bringing me back to my senses. "Yeah. I guess so. How 'bout you?" I answered her question then made sure to ask her in return. "Ofcourse I am." She answered with a shrug.

Hearing a tap on my side of the window I turn around to see my dad. Bringing down the window I ask him. "Are you done? Were are we going to talk?" I rushed down to the questions letting him know that I have not forgotten.

"Yes, we're done. Our car is parked near the entrance. We'll take Amber's car you follow us. Once there I'll take the other car then we'll drive home. Your mom and aunt are already expecting us." As fatherly as he is my dad also tends to be a leader. Well given the fact that he is ex navy theres nothing in question fot that.

After his speech, we drove off towards the entrance. We stopped by their car as instructed dad went out and drove the pickup then convoyed the rest of the way home.

Upon reaching our house all was quiet. We all parked made sure all cars are locked then went inside. As expected, my mom and Amber's are waiting for us on the livingroom.

We all decided to be comfortable so mom and dad sat on dad's favorite lazyboy while Amber's parents sat on the love seat. Feeling thirsty all of a sudden, I askedvto be excuse. Amber followed me to the kitchen we both took two glasses of water then readied ourselves for what ever our parents has to say. As we went back to the living room I settled on the floor near the table while Amber sat beside me.

Feeling ready for the big surprise I checked on Amber to see if she's ready as well. Then she gave me a nod signaling that she is ready. So I spoke "So. Dad, mom, uncle, auntie. Can we start now? And please no more secrets."

"Well, okay then." My dad started off. Then I thought, this will be a long night.

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