Discovering My Past

Start from the beginning

Grabbing Jun's stuff, he began to walk away. The Host Club exchanged glances uncertainly.

"Uh... Ren? Where are you going?"

"Home, where else can I go?" Just like that, Ren left the scene. Once he was out of earshot, Haruhi got herself a paper fan out of nowhere (courtesy of Renge xD) and smacked the idiot trio hard on the head.




"If it weren't for you guys disturbing Ren like that, Jun wouldn't have nearly drowned!" Haruhi placed her hands on her hips with an unhappy look on her face. Tamaki suddenly teared up and sniffled.

"Haruhi hit me... Mama! Haruhi hit me what should I do?!" He ran to Kyoya. With his best smile, Kyoya looked at Tamaki and...

"Go kill yourself," ...said those evil words. The atmosphere dropped several degrees after that.

"Th-The Demon King had spoken!"

"Milord is so screwed!" The twins hugged each other as they shivered together while Honey-senpai ran for Mori-senpai.

"Takashi, Takashi, Kyo-chan is so scary~!"

"...." Mori-senpai said nothing but picked the little shota up and placed him onto his shoulder.

"You guys..." Haruhi sighed to herself. Her eyes trailed back to where she saw Ren leaving, thinking back to the words he had muttered earlier.

"Damn girl never told me anything about not being able to swim!"

That one sentence already told Haruhi everything she needed to know. Nodding once to herself, she turned to Kyoya.

"Kyoya-senpai, can I talk to you for a second in private?" Without looking up from his phone, Kyoya replied.

"Yeah sure, what's wrong?"

"It's about Jun and Ren." At that, Kyoya looked away from his phone and turned to look at Haruhi. His eyes had gone sharp and the glasses glinted.

"Let's discuss this some place better."


"Onee-chan!" I called as I burst through the door. By the time I came back, I was already outside my front door. One second I was drowning, and the next I was already home. Ren switching with me was the only answer I could find to that mystery, meaning he had saved me from drowning. Now that I was fine and all, I had to get back to business.

"Oh Jun, you're back! How's the pool?" My sister called from the living room.

"It was fun, though a certain idiot trio were quite annoying."

While walking through the hallway, my eyes spotted the picture hanging on the wall. It was a picture of Maika and I celebrating her 5th birthday.

As expected, the black-haired girl in my vision really was that older girl smiling in the picture.

"What's wrong Jun? You look so serious." Maika's head popped out from behind her book in the living room, on the couch.

I kept my silence until I reached the couch, sat on it and faced my sister. Sensing the change in atmosphere, Maika put her book down. I maintained eye contact with her, just so she wouldn't run away.

Of course she wouldn't, but then again I had to make sure.



"That time when you first visited grandpa at the countryside, you had two friends right?"

Maika's face seemed to have faltered a little, only just. She still wore her smiling face.

"Why yes, I had friends there. It's quite a long ago time ago though, why do you ask?"

"Because I keep seeing visions of these two people."

Visions? What are you talking about? Ren... hasn't been seeing them? Okay, so that was new. Ren usually knows everything that's in my head.

"Visions?" Maika widened her eyes, "Is it because you're not taking your medicine properly? Or should I bring you to the hospital?" Maika began to get up until I pulled her back down quickly.

"No Sis it's not like that! I'm perfectly fine!" She seemed to scrutinize my expression once before sitting back down again. I sighed.

"Nee-chan, please tell me who are those two people. Somehow, I feel like these visions are trying to tell me something and to know what it is I need your help."

JUN! IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS STOP!!! Ren suddenly yelled in my mind. His yell actually had me jerking backwards a little from the strong vibration. Even for Ren, this was the first time he actually snapped so violently.

What's wrong with you?!

JUST DON'T! Ren sure was acting weird... However, I knew I couldn't back down now. Seeing how Ren yelling would give me a headache, I held out a palm in front of Maika.

"Hold on a second sis," I got the medicine packet out quickly.

Jun you can't be serious!

I could tell that Ren was about to snap, so I quickly consume some tablets.


Silence that I used to enjoy finally returned. How I miss that medicine that used to make everything right for me again. Well, I guess I would have to ask Ren later why was he so agitated.

"Okay, continue." I said to my sister. Maika seemed to hesitate before telling me, but she did anyway.

"The two you're talking about must be the Asao siblings, Asao Izumi and Asao Maya."

Ah, so the girl's name really was Maya. Maika continued.

"Us three used to go on adventures together when we were young." Maika closed her eyes, smiling fondly of her childhood memories. I recalled back the vision I saw, back at that field of flowers.

"I still remember them as if it was just yesterday. The scent of the flowers... the laughter in the air... everything was so simple back then. Every afternoon was a blast; in fact we were inseparable. I really miss those days a lot. But..."

Maika's smile disappeared, "It's never coming back anymore." The temperature seemed to have dropped several degrees. All hints of happiness shown on Maika's face seconds ago vanished completely without a trace. Without a doubt, everything suddenly felt so surreal.

"...Why?" I managed to speak. The ruthless silence continued until Maika, with her head hung low, said these words.

"Because they're dead." Finally she burst out into tears.

"Izumi and Maya... they're both dead!"

A/N: My writing motivation disappears as quickly as it comes so don't expect any fast updates from me hahaha, sorry for my laziness minna~ (=w=lll)

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