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"Girls! Over here!" Scolded Mrs.Roth (the other chaperon for the trip.) We were outside the airport waiting for the van who was supposed to take us to the hotel.

"Mr.Green is trying to figure out why the car hasn't arrived yet." Mrs.Roth explained, even though no one had asked.

Although we have seen nothing but the airport, I already thought France was beautiful. So magnifique (I've been trying to practice my french. My pronunciation sucks but I'm sure-being surrounded by French- it'll get better.)

When the van finally arrived, we uploaded all the bags and headed to the hotel. 'Wow' cannot even start describing how perfect this hotel was. The decoration was meant to be old and classy, yet it gave you such a warm entrance. The front door was huge. The ceiling so tall that not even 5 of me, standing on each other could reach it.

And the rooms- oh the rooms! I can't even explain how beautiful they are! So big it could easily fit the whole 'dream dancing team.' The walls were painted with creamy colors and the doors painted white. The furniture had all floral spiral tapestry. And a huge chandelier was hanging up in the living room. Can you even believe we have a living room?! It was all I ever imagine and more! I was sharing room with Paige, Chloe, and a girl named Lara. Each one of us had our king bed, so I had no problem being four.

"OH MY GOD! This is so PERFECT!" I couldn't help but join Paige in the conversation of how gorgeous this place was. And to think this was only a hotel! Just imagine how amazing the actual city must be! Just imagine...

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