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"It will only take a minute," I assured the taxi driver as I got out of the car. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Soph opened the door. The happiness in her eyes no longer there. It had disappeared a few months ago, when everything happened. I can't blame her for not calling, texting, or anything at all. I mean, we were pretty close, she was almost like a sister to me but I guess I just remained her of him. Of Will...

"Oh, Hey Madison." I know it's not much but her calling me Madison hit me right in the stomach. She was the one and only person who had NEVER called me like that, not even when she was mad at me. It was our little thing, she promised to always call me Mads and I to call her Soph; never Sophia.

"Hello, Soph," I decided not to say Sophia just to let her know I still remember our promise, no matter what. She shot me a glare at the sound of the nickname, though.

"Please don't call me that. You-he..." She stumbled through words, but I knew what she meant. Only Will and I called her that.

"Right... Umm, anyway. I just wanted to see how are you. So. How are you?"

"I'm... fine, you know? I just-" For that one small moment I thought she might open to me. Tell me how she truly feels. Go back to what we used to have, "I'm fine." I guess I was wrong. And we go back to the "I'm fine" line.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay before I left." She looked up at me.

"You're leaving?" Her voice admitting a bit of surprise. "Yeah. Not long. A few weeks. Maybe months depending on how things go. I just- I can't stay here more. I need a break, even if it's a little while. I need a break from- you know what I mean..." She nodded slowly. Of course she knew what I meant, how couldn't she?

"Well goodbye. I hope, I truly hope I can see you soon, Soph," I was tempted to hug her but I thought it twice and decided it against it. So I turned around and left.

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