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I woke up at the sound of Paige nagging and Chloe snoring. I knew I could do nothing about Chloe's snores so I decided to try to make Paige to stop complaining.

"What's wrong, Paigey?"

I watched as she turned, and switched, and moved, and practically change and try every position she could in her seat.

"These stupid seats that are so damn uncomfortable! I've been trying to go to sleep for AT LEAST half an hour and I just can't get comfy enough."

I roll my eyes. What is Paige without her nap? A really terrifying monster who won't stop till she eats your brain....

No, but seriously, Paige gets really angry when she does not sleep, so making her stay awake is not a chance.

After hearing Paige complain more, my pillow and my blanket did the trick and made her fall asleep. I stayed awake though. I watched a movie that I do not know the name but it's to boring to even try to remember it.

I decided to take my book out and read. I felt through my finger tips the cold pages and the ink of the dedication. How could so few letters mean so much? The way it's written, the color of the pen, even the smell of it, it all screamed his name. His name. The way he used to speak, talk, and walk. The way he used to smile; he was a one in a kind, and he was all mine; he was all I had and yet he was all I needed. And now I've got nothing. Nothing but an old book with a dedication which I know by memory. Every single word, every single letter! The way it looks and the way it's written. I could say it backwards if I wanted to. But that was all I've ever dared to read. Never read the actual book. I'm too afraid of what it might be about. If a few words can make me cry myself to sleep, I don't want to know what the 500-pages can do to me. But I don't want to waste time anymore. He wanted me to read it, he needed me to read it, so that's what I'll do. I"ll hold on to those words as if my life depended on it, because it did. My life depended on him, and now all those letters in the book were him...


By the time I finished my book, we arrived to France.

"Maddie! I cant believe you finished your book in ONE day! That was supposed to last for your whole vacation." I shrugged off Paige's comment. I didn't really felt like talking about my reason to finally deciding to read this book. Anyway, Almost no one understood the magic of the book. Reading each word, contemplating the whole plot, it's just... magical. It's like you are IN the book; as if you were the character and it was YOUR life. To stop reading just to make sure your book last for the summer is like putting a stop to your life! Just imagine yourself, sitting in your couch, watching an amazing movie, lights down, when suddenly someone decides to light them on, pause the movie, and say they need to pee. Can you imagine being so into the movie and now BAM, you get to wait 5 minutes for that one person to finish peeing so you can resume the movie. But by the time you put play, all the adrenaline you had, faded away. With the book it's the same, only ten times worse.

"Okay, everybody, I want you to form a line, grab all your belongings, and wait patiently for further instructions." Mr. Green told us. I did what I was told and patiently waited, my shoulder already tired of carrying my red hand-bag. It was more heavy that what it seemed.

"Girls, say hello to Paris and prepare yourself to see the most beautiful city ever!" Chloe squeaked excitedly. I close my eyes and prepared myself for it.

Paris, hello.

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