Chapter 16: Yumi meets Bankotsu

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Chapter 16: Yumi meets Bankotsu

(Yumi pov) Me and my best girl Suzu are flying thru the sky, trying to find any info on Naraku but all I kept hearing was shit about the band of 7.

"Yumi: You know I just don't get it."

"Suzu: Well it's no shock to me that naraku would hide himself."

I shook my head.

"Yumi: No not about that, I mean this morning. Jaken and Sesshomaru seemed a little out of it and where acting strange."

"Suzu: Well you can't blame jaken, I mean the guy falls asleep knowing his lord has one arm and then wakes up seeing he now has two! I was even shocked about it."

I smiled and shook my head again.

"Yumi: No Suzu I'm talking about Sesshomaru falling asleep next to me."

"Suzu: Don't you mean on you, or your boobs to be exacted."

I rolled my eyes, still can't believe that position we woke up in.

"Yumi: Well yeah, but the point is why would he deny it? Why is it such a big deal for the guy to sleep? Is it a demon thing, or is it his pride again?"

I side and felt Suzu shake her head, then she landed in the forest area below us.

"Suzu: You know I think he was just shocked and confused. I mean the guy has never slept before. Well like that anyway, it's only natural for that to happen."

I got off her back and patted on the head. I get the feeling there's more to it. But i'm gonna leave it alone.

"Yumi: Well on good thing came out of it."

We started walking, she stayed in her big form.

"Suzu: Jaken's face and girlish squeal."

I nodded and we laughed.

"Yumi: I still can't go over, that both you and Rin sat there quite just watching waiting for something to happen without waking us up."

"Suzu: We couldn't help it. The way the two of you laid was just so cute. How your head rested on his fur, his head rested perfectly on your chest, with one of his hands around your waist and other holding yours, while your other hand rested lightly on his head. The scene was too perfect to ruin, I was surprised that Rin was able to keep her squeals of excitement to her self."

We sat down not to far from the dirt road waiting for a cart to pass by so I can rob and get some lunch.

"Yumi: Then after a while, you two decided it was time for us to get up and you woke up jaken knowing that his shocking scream would wake us up. Then enjoyed the rest of the episode of jaken ranting and screaming, me and Sesshomaru blushing and shock, then Sesshomaru getting aggravated and me being speechless."

She nodded and laughed.

"Suzu: That about sums it up. You know I thought Sesshomaru was a light sleeper. But when me and Rin sat up he didn't move an inch. Have any idea's?"

I gave her a glare.

"Yumi: Gee I wonder why? Maybe because he was snuggled into my boobs!"

She laughed.

"Suzu: What are you mad about?"

I looked down, at the road.

"Yumi: I'm not mad... It's just Sesshomaru has proven my point that men are weak when it comes to Women's bodies. Human, demon whatever they have no self control."

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