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Silence.  Nothing. No trees swaying to the gentle breeze. The birds' usual song wasn't heard for miles. It was unusually quiet.

The snow shimmered down off the tree branches, as I walked along the half-frozen shoreline. It hasn't always been this quiet. There were always parties with big picnics and families. It was even active in the wintertime; snowshoeing and sledding.

Not today, not on this chilly March day.  I was the only one, the only thing on this beach. Sitting down, I toyed with the necklace in my hand. It was a compass, hooked to a silver chain, and left with me when my parents died.

Don't get me wrong, I love this necklace but I have that weird feeling that fumes and bubbles in your stomach. It gives off the vibe that it's dangerous. If only I could figure out why.

Finding a tree that fell last fall, I sit down and take a deep breath. It smelt like old pine needles that are spewed along the ground. The warm pulsing blood from the nearby heard of elk, salty and sweet with a hint of bitterness.

My throat closed up, and my head started pounding. Grabbing at my neck, I clench my teeth and force my eyes shut. The pain burned like someone shoved a flaming needle in my throats and was poking a million little holes.

Taking in another breath the smell of the elk was very faint. The pine needles making more of an overpowering smell. Loosening my grip to my neck I sigh and continue walking.

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