Chapter 2

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Kellins POV

The night was cool compared to the days heat, so I decided to take advantage of it and go on a night stroll. I arrived here earlier today, hiding out in a motel room in case the cops made a big enough scene to draw media attention back at the other motel, I can’t take a chance at being recognized. Even though this was a calming walk, I still keep my eyes open for anyone who peaked my interest. I was always hunting. I was thinking I should head back to get some sleep when I saw a young looking Mexican walking on the other side of the road. He seemed lost in thought and a bit scared and I immediately knew why. There was a guy following him. I stayed back but I watched as a crazy scene unfolded before my eyes. The boy was almost at his destination I assumed by the look of relief on his face when he saw a store in the distance but before he took another step the guy following him grabbed him from behind and dragged him into a nearby ally. This was not good. I walked over to the ally to see the guy trying to take the others pants off. I’m not sure why I froze but I did. The young Mexican couldn’t scream up with him because the rapists hand was over his mouth. There were tears streaming down his face Fixated on the rapist the young Mexican tool me off guard when he kneed the man in the genitals and moved to get away. But the man was too fast, he grabbed the Mexicans hair and threw him against the wall making him fall against the ground. That’s when I snapped back to reality and moved closer to the scene unfolding before me. I reached for my knife as I got about a foot away, the guy had not noticed me till I was right on him. Before I could kill him though he turned and ran. I should have gone after him I could have easily caught up but I didn’t even look as he disappeared around the corner. My eyes were focused on the Boy lying on the ground. I stepped towards him taking my hand and brushing the hair off of his face. He was really gorgeous. It was strange, to find someone attractive. I did get horny and had sex, but that was with guys I picked up at bars. Not out of attraction but out of neediness of getting off. But him, I was really attracted to him. I knew that was bad and thought of just leaving him there. Pretending this whole thing never happened. But looking at his face I knew I wouldn’t be able to do that. I grabbed him and carried him to my motel.

(Sorry this is so short and I didn't update forever I was out of town and now I have someone over for another whole week. I'll update again in like two days or so)

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