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Louis woke up early the next morning to a knock on the front door. He yawned and got up seeing their mum had left a note that she had left for work and would be home late that night. He looked over at Niall who was asleep and still had tear stains on his face. Louis carefully left the room so as not to wake up Niall and went downstairs opening the door.

"Hey Louis,is Niall here?"

"Yeah he's sleeping right now but you can come in and hang out with me until he wakes up, should be soon." Harry nods and follows Louis inside the house and up to his room. Harry had been doing a lot of thinking and he really needed to talk to Niall. He and Louis sat in silence for a few moments before Harry hesitantly spoke up.

"Lou? um is everything alright? I heard screaming, crying, and things smashing here yesterday. I would have come then but I figured that whoever that was didn't want to be bothered. I also probably wasn't meant to hear it but it was really loud. Even my mum was worried."

"Oh, no everything's alright now." Harry just nodded. He wanted to know who was causing all that noise but he didn't want to be too nosy. Him and Louis started playing FIFA and they got through two matches before Niall walked in rubbing his eyes and yawning, his hair everywhere.

"Lou I'm hungr- Harry. When did you get here?"

"Um about half an hour ago. I actually needed to talk to you." Niall furrowed his eyebrows but nodded and motioned for Harry to follow him back to his room. He said bye to Louis and followed Niall. Niall and Harry sat down on Niall's bed as Niall looked at Harry both expectedly and with worry. What if Harry thought their cuddling session a few nights ago was too weird and now he didn't want to be friends with him any more.

"Okay um please don't interrupt me yeah? Just let me finish then you can say something." Niall just nodded.

"Look Niall I-I know you're not gay, you said that when we first met but I've been thinking a lot lately because I've been having these...weird feelings towards you and I'm sorry I just I don't know I can't help it. I really like you. It's just spending time with you lately and there's a connection, at least for me. I promise I tried to make it go away, I didn't want to creep you out and I really don't want to lose you as a mate but I understand if you don't want to see me any more. I just...if you could please let me down gently then I can get the closure I need to try and get over you. " Harry looked down at the ground waiting for Niall to say something, anything but it was silent.

"Ni..." Niall just stared straight ahead, not saying anything.

"Niall please."Harry said, his voice breaking. Niall remained silent. Harry let a tear fall.

"This is what I was afraid of." Harry said quietly before getting up and leaving the room, trying not to break down right then and there. He walked down the stairs and was about to leave when Louis stopped him.

"Harry, what's wrong mate?" Harry just shook his head.

"I need to know when to keep my mouth shut or else I'll ruin everything like I just did." He walked out without further explanation leaving Louis confused. He decided to ask Niall.

"Ni?" Louis knocked but got no response so he slowly entered and saw Niall laying down with tears in his eyes. Louis sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed Niall's back softly.

"Ni what's wrong? What happened between you and Harry?"

"I messed up, I should have said something but I didn't." He said quietly, not making eye contact with Louis.

"Said something about what?" Niall just shook his head making Louis sigh. He was confused about what was going on but if Niall wanted to tell him what happened, he would. Louis just went over to the other side of the bed and got in, covering himself with the blankets. He scooted closer to Niall and wrapped an arm around his waist.

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